
DebbyMain Page
Power went of at 5am. Winds really picked up at 7. Not much rain. Doesnt look like there will be any problems once the power comes back on.

The MagicianBooks

The Magician by Michael Scott.
Fantasy: Contemporary: 464 pages.
Volume 2 in the series The secrets of the immortal Nicolas Flamel.

The twins flee to paris and meet Count St. Germain and Joan of Arc while dealing with Machiavelli.

Rating: 5 (out of 8)

Spent July 4th extracting honey. Only got half a bucket not even really worth getting the extractor. Bees look much better than they did last year at this time however. Back up to 10 hives, but 3 are nucs and need queens.

Yearly House PhotosHouse
I took these at the end of April a good month and a half late late but still pre-tornado.

TornadoPhotos, House
The tornado was a week ago. Neighbors say it passed right over but I was in Homestead. Lost some shingles and lots of stuff down from their yards into mine. Power was out till after 6 Sunday. Work didnt have power till Tuesday. Tornado photos

The AlchemystBooks

The Alchemyst by Michael Scott.
Fantasy: Contemporary: 375 pages.
Volume 1 in the series The secrets of the immortal Nicolas Flamel.

Strange but good. Al the characters except the main two are either historical or mythological. John Dee, Nicolas Flamel and the like. Kids get involved in a hidden magical world which of course they are destined to destroy or save.

Rating: 5 (out of 8)

Does not use time wiselyVacation2024
Got back last night abt 11:30 from the eclipse. Original plan was to go to Texas, only 10 hours away it was cloudy. Ended the first day in Huntsville headed for Southern Missouri but maps suggested it was gong to cloud over too. Made the decision to go where it was clear, the north east. Drove from Huntsville to Bluefield, WV. Next day stopped to see great grandparents and get a new battery for the key fob in Claksburg, WV. Made it to Niagra Falls and spent night in Syracuse. Next morning windshield was cracked. Drove to Newport, VT where it was clear. Got there abt 1pm for the 2pm eclipse start.

As expected traffic was a disaster. Stopped at Petersburg battlefield but drove pretty much straight back. Details to follow.

PetersburgPhotos, Vacation2024
Took morning to see the Petersburg battlefield. Then finished driving home. Got home about 11:30, heavy rain the last half hour.

DrivingPhotos, Vacation2024
Left the eclipse shortly after totality at 4pm. Made good time down 5 to Orleans before hitting traffic but that was only about 10 miles away. Interstate was a disaster. By 6:30 was only at Lyndonville 35 miles away. Pulled over for gas and food. Hung out till after 8pm, line to get on the interstate did not get less. Took a back dirt road 20 miles south but back to stop and go on the interstate. Only traveled 100 miles by 11pm. Stopped and got about 3 hours sleep in an empty parking lot. Drove some more till 4:30am, finally no traffic. Made it to Cromwell, Ct. only 260 miles from Newport but was able to get a hotel room.

Got up and drove through to Richmond though the construction that was CT, traffic of NYC, Baltimore and DC.

Total EclipseAstronomy, Vacation2024
Total eclipse photos from Newport, VT. Was just beside the Whipple Point Lighthouse replica in a part on the lake shore. Skies were clear, a few high level clouds came in during totality, but not enough to effect anything. There were thousands of people all over town. The town was having some eclipse event but I didnt make it to wherever the program was. Was able to see both Jupiter and Venus during totality.

The drive from Syracuse over to Newport covered some areas with a lot of snow. Some of the locals said it had snowed 10 inches last Thursday and it was still left on the fields and such.