> Question: Is attempting to run down Katherine Harris REALLY a crime?
More importantly does anyone know what Florida law says about canidate who get elected but are unable to fulfill the office, say because of death? Does the Governor appoint someone or will there be a special election?
I know its not possible to have a special presidental election, and I'm pretty sure you can't for any federal office (Harris is running for reelection for Congress). But I seem to remember Governors calling special election for Senators for some reason.
-- If I actually could spell I'd have spelled it right in the first place. Shawn Moore <smoore@teuse.net> http://www.teuse.net -- Archives are at http://www.teuse.net/politics/election2004archive To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to election2004-request@teuse.net with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact smoore@teuse.netReceived on Thu Oct 28 11:36:43 2004
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