It is not realted to Jonathon which derives from Nathan <- Yonatan (Hebrew)
Other names derived from Yehochanan
Irish: Sean
French: Jean, Jehan
English: John, Jack, Evan
Welsh: Ifan
Scotland: Ian
Spanish: Juan
Italian: Giovanni, Nino, Gianni, Gian
German: Johannes, Hans, Jannis, Jan
Russian: Ivan, Ioann
Moore (Gaelic/english)
English: More, Moor
Scotts Gaelic: Muir, Mure, More
Irish: O'More, O'Mordha
Late Irish: O'Moore, de More
Mor "bog, open land" person who lived on moor or heath (English)
O'Mordha "stateley and noble" (Irish)
Maurus "dark skinned" (Latin) -> Moor, Morino (spanish)
Moorage person who works with boats at a wharf
Russian Bolotin "swamp"
Spanish: Juan Morino(s)/Soto
Morino "Moor"
Soto "Grove or swamp"