M = mid vowel e or o depending on if the accompany word is front or back
H = High vowel i or u depending on if the accompany word is front or back
V = v or w depending on if the accompany word is front or back

PREFIXES single syllable prefixes always have a long vowel.
ā- -ā "one who does a thing. Formed from verbs by converting the final vowel to a -ā and adding hā- to the begining.". <= hā- -ā (PV)
bā- "more than". <= pā- (PV)
bāma- "more than one". <= pāma- (PV) from -pā "more than" + ma "one"
lMra- "times (math prefix". <= lMra- (PV)
mHpM- "great". <= mHpM- (PV)
mM'a- "big". <= mM'a- (PV)
manH- "small". <= manH- (PV)
VHVa- "many". <= VHVa- (PV)
ǧekH- "away (prefix)". <= 'ekH- (PV)
kHka- "over (prefix)". <= kHka- (PV)
'ōa- "through". <= 'oha- (PV)
VM- "Possessive article, of (always first). Vowel is always long.". <= VM- (PV)

nene "to". <= nene (PV)
lipe "from". <= lipe (PV)
reme "in". <= reme (PV)
ile "at". <= hile (PV)
uno "on". <= huno (PV)
"of". <= (PV)
"near by". <= (PV)

Adjectives. The vowels of adjectives agree with the nouns they modify.
VHVa "many". <= VHVa (PV)
katMma "black". <= katMma (PV)
lHnMtH "white". <= lHnMtH (PV)
mHma "red". <= mHma (PV)
kMtH "green". <= kMtH (PV)
lHnMma "blue". <= lHnMma (PV)
HlHmM "middle". <= hHlHmM (PV)
VamHha'H "heavy". <= VamHha'H (PV)
H'Mha "light in weight". <= hH'Mha (PV)
pMlHVH "new". <= pMlHVH (PV)
pHVH "young". <= pHVH (PV)
nM'HlMnM "told". <= nM'HlMnM (PV)
VMtMVM "naked". <= VMtMVM (PV)
RHlHhH "soft". <= RHlHhH (PV)
nMtMmHVa "smart, clever". <= nMtMmHVa (PV)

upo "later". <= hupo (PV)
kunu "closer". <= kunu (PV)
porowo "before". <= porowo (PV)

Verbs -te, -re
čete "to do". <= kete (PV)
rate "to have". <= rate (PV)
me'abīre "to command". <= me'apihire (PV) from me'a- "big" + pihire "say"
māere "to have". <= mahere (PV)
bīre "to say". <= pihire (PV)
nenevete "to get". <= nenevete (PV)
mevere "to see". <= mevere (PV)
čere "to bear". <= kere (PV)
rete "to eat". <= rete (PV)
ipete "to drink". <= hipete (PV)
ilare "to give birth". <= hilare (PV)
patire "to name". <= patire (PV)
mirete "to fish". <= mirete (PV)

Verbs -he
līe "to go". <= lihe (PV)
īe "to bet". <= hihe (PV)
imilāe "to take". <= imilahe (PV)
vīe "to breathe". <= vihe (PV)

Verbs -ē
larē "to grow". <= larehe (PV)
metirelē "to hear". <= metirelehe (PV)
vimihē "to ask". <= vimihehe (PV)
čilē "to fall". <= kilehe (PV)
elē "to rain". <= helehe (PV)
me'āelē "to storm". <= me'ahelehe (PV) from me'a "big" + holehe "rain"

Verbs -to, -ro
runuro "to know". <= runuro (PV)
wowunuruto "to think". <= wowunuruto (PV)
luporo "to hunt". <= luporo (PV)
wakaro "to canoe". <= wakaro (PV)
wumato "to burn". <= wumato (PV)
nolō "to make". <= noloho (PV)
mutato "to die". <= mutato (PV)

Verbs irregular
vitiče "to sleep". <= vitike (PV)
nēǧipepiǧe "to sweat". <= nehe'ipepi'e (PV)

lili "one". <= lili (PV)
limeti "two". <= limeti (PV)
līpe "three". <= lihipe (PV)
limeta "four". <= limeta (PV)
lirale "five". <= lirale (PV)
mimi "six". <= mimi (PV)
puno "seven". <= puno (PV)
naro "eight". <= naro (PV)
pive "nine". <= pive (PV)
ratonu "ten". <= ratonu (PV)
luta "eleven". <= luta (PV)
noro "twelve". <= noro (PV)
nawo "thirteen". <= nawo (PV)
"fourteen". <= paha (PV)
gōa "fifteen". <= koha (PV)
maǧi "sixteen". <= ma'i (PV)
puta "seventeen". <= puta (PV)
mileli "eighteen". <= mileli (PV)
kamolu "nineteen". <= kamolu (PV)
nowolu "twenty". <= nowolu (PV)
nowolu lili "twenty one". <= nowolu lili (PV)
nowolu limeti "twenty two". <= nowolu limeti (PV)
nowolu līpe "twenty three". <= nowolu lihipe (PV)
nowolu ratonu "thirty". <= nowolu ratonu (PV)
lelimeti nowolu "forty". <= lelimeti nowolu (PV) from lM "times" limeti "two" +tnuvolu "twenty"
lelimeti nowolu lili "forty onetfrom lM "times" limeti "two" +tnuvolu "twenty + lili "one"". <= lelimeti nowolu lili (PV)
lomo nowolu ratonu "fifty". <= lomo nowolu ratonu (PV)
lelīpe nowolu "sixty". <= lelihipe nowolu (PV) from lM "times" lihipe "three" +tnuvolu "twenty
nareti "hundred". <= nareti (PV)

un'a "this". <= hun'a (PV)
čivela "I". <= kivela (PV)
večivela "mine". <= vekivela (PV)
maǧi "you". <= ma'i (PV)
vemaǧi "your". <= vema'i (PV)
Mtapa "he/she/it hotpa, hetapa, hatapa". <= hMtapa (PV)
VMhMtapa "his/hers/its: wōhotapa, vēhetapa,". <= VMhMtapa (PV) vāhatapa
bāmačivela "we". <= pāmakivela (PV) from pāma "more than one" + kivela "I"
"our". <= (PV)
bāmamaǧi "you pl.". <= pāmama'i (PV) from pāma "more than one" + ma'i "you"
"your pl.". <= (PV)
bāmahMtapa "they". <= pāmahMtapa (PV) from pāma "more than one" hMtapa he/she/it. uses neutral for multiple genders or indeterminate.
"thier". <= (PV)
"that". <= (PV)
rerini "who". <= rerini (PV)
romuru "what". <= romuru (PV)

ko "person". <= ko (PV)
wowato "people". <= wowato (PV) from VHva "many" + ko "person"
manuto "child". <= manuto (PV) from nH "small" + ko "person"
kupo "man". <= kupo (PV)
lipe "woman". <= lipe (PV)
nutupo "boy". <= nutupo (PV) from nH + -kupo-
nilipe "girl". <= nilipe (PV) from nH + lepe
iti "animal". <= hiti (PV)
livāi "sun". <= livahi (PV)
'ēpe "spirit". <= 'ehepe (PV)
mipe'ēpe "god". <= mipe'ehepe (PV) from mHpM "great" + 'ehepe "spirit"
lumu "now". <= lumu (PV)
rutu "day". <= rutu (PV)
mupotupoto "king". <= mupotupoto (PV) from mHpM "great" + tupoto "man"
kowōana "place". <= kowohana (PV)
wuma "fire (n)". <= wuma (PV)
lupo "hunt (n)". <= lupo (PV)
me'āele "storm (n)". <= me'ahele (PV) from mHpM "great" + hele "rain"
ele "rain". <= hele (PV)
lanulu "island". <= lanulu (PV)
vitaǧe "ocean". <= vita'e (PV)
pitepita "tree". <= pitepita (PV)
peri "year". <= peri (PV)
kuputo "father". <= kuputo (PV)
mipelanili "continent". <= mipelanili (PV)
vepitipe "salt". <= vepitipe (PV)
tomāo "alive". <= tomaho (PV)
kuworou "star". <= kuworohu (PV)
nebāele "sky". <= nepahele (PV)
liǧe "moon". <= li'e (PV)
čepetave "earth". <= kepetave (PV)
eve "water". <= heve (PV)
'aroroma "tree". <= 'aroroma (PV)
iǧeti "wind". <= hi'eti (PV)
manīaǧeti "breeze". <= maniha'eti (PV) from manH- "small" + ha'eti "wind"
lilaleči "light". <= lilaleki (PV)
molata "dark". <= molata (PV)
waka "canoe". <= waka (PV)

Kinship. Culture uses Hawaiian kinship, all reletives of the same generation are called the same word.
lilire "female of previous generaiton: mother, aunt, aunt-in-law". <= lilire (PV)
lanopo "male of previous generation: father, uncle, uncle-in-law". <= lanopo (PV)
walō "male of this generatio: brother, cousin". <= waloho (PV)
lipe "female of this generation: sister, cousin". <= lipe (PV)
'ora "male of next generation: son, nephew". <= 'ora (PV)
ibēa "female of next generation: daughter, neice". <= hipeha (PV)
pepa "grandmother". <= pepa (PV)
lamo "grandfather". <= lamo (PV)
čerina "wife". <= kerina (PV)
mulala "husband". <= mulala (PV)

Body Parts
"tear". <= wuhu (PV)
nou "tongue". <= nohu (PV)
nalowo "blood". <= nalowo (PV)
luro "jaw". <= luro (PV)
palulo "knee". <= palulo (PV)
umo "tooth". <= humo (PV)
vemeve "bone". <= vemeve (PV)
livi "ear". <= livi (PV)
rolu "eye". <= rolu (PV)
vepi "heart". <= vepi (PV)
miti "nose". <= miti (PV)
pineče "foot". <= pineke (PV)
čine "liver". <= kine (PV)
'atava "hand". <= 'atava (PV)

Land Animals
irile "dog". <= hirile (PV)
'alireni "pig (no pigs!)". <= 'alireni (PV)
naparo "bear". <= naparo (PV)
mopuno "mouse". <= mopuno (PV)
dōmē "wolf". <= tōmē (PV)
mabēle "deer". <= mapēle (PV)
molōmo "racoon". <= molōmo (PV)
ūnūwū "possum". <= hūnūwū (PV)
gāpo "squirrel". <= kāpo (PV)
mona "rabbit". <= mona (PV)
ko'upa "fox". <= ko'upa (PV)
bōhatulū "skunk". <= pōhatulū (PV)
dāmumā "panther". <= tāmumā (PV)

wudūo'u "songbird". <= wutuho'u (PV)
lilrēi "turkey". <= lilrehi (PV)
onomū "duck". <= honomū (PV)
rumamo "goose". <= rumamo (PV)
dōpubū "crow". <= tōpupū (PV)
mō'ū "owl". <= mō'ū (PV)
vinidē'ē "woodpecker". <= vinitē'ē (PV)

Water Animals
bēbāva "alligator". <= pēpāva (PV)
čidīna "snake". <= kitīna (PV)
mēnapa "tortoise". <= mēnapa (PV)
rerēne "turtle". <= rerēne (PV)
nalī "frog". <= nalī (PV)
kuro "crayfish". <= kuro (PV)

Fish and Fishing
narēi "shark". <= narehi (PV)
'owuta "tuna". <= 'owuta (PV)
'olo "tarpon". <= 'olo (PV)
tapuwaru "makerel". <= tapuwaru (PV)
lowu "snapper". <= lowu (PV)
ninipa "grouper". <= ninipa (PV)
vāmi "oyster". <= vāmi (PV)
aǧiri "shrimp". <= ha'iri (PV)
nuhūrā "crab". <= nuhūrā (PV)
ponūhora "dolphin (mammel)". <= ponūhora (PV)
ponūtora "whale". <= ponūtora (PV)
lāhō "eel". <= lāhō (PV)
nebīne "clam". <= nepīne (PV)
ninu'ō "snail". <= ninu'ō (PV)
puwubū "mussel". <= puwupū (PV)
tolōa "fishhook". <= toloha (PV)
ilina "net". <= hilina (PV)

elome "corn". <= elome (PV) possbily from Nahuatl elome "tender corn"
ē'ānā "bean". <= hē'ānā (PV)
līvebēna "sweet potato". <= līvepēna (PV)
bānadā "pumpkin". <= pānatā (PV)
nēradā "squash". <= nēratā (PV)
ǧime "sunflower". <= 'ime (PV)
rāpile "berry". <= rāpile (PV)
bābīhī "blueberry". <= pāpīhī (PV)
potota "blackberry". <= potota (PV)
'ala "red mulberry". <= 'ala (PV)
wānulu "grape". <= wānulu (PV)
murūhō "plum". <= murūhō (PV)
bōmū "acorn". <= pōmū (PV)
lawu "hickory nut". <= lawu (PV)
rūhu "onion". <= rūhu (PV)
lirēpi "mushroom". <= lirēpi (PV)
ōho "prickly pear". <= hōho (PV)
nererā "sabal palm". <= nererā (PV)
omūta "palmetto". <= homūta (PV)

Articles and Conjunctions
nepa "Question marker". <= nepa (PV)
o "Definate article". <= ho (PV)
va "Indefinate article". <= va (PV)
pili "and". <= pili (PV)

Personal names
āwakarā "sailor from hā-ā "one who" +". <= hāwakarā (PV) wakaro "to canoe"
āluporā "hunter from hā-ā "one who" + luporo "to hunt"". <= hāluporā (PV)

M = mid vowel e or o depending on if the accompany word is front or back
H = High vowel i or u depending on if the accompany word is front or back
V = v or w depending on if the accompany word is front or back