The purpose of the Church of the Horsemen of the Apocolypse is to minister to the spiritual, intellectual, physical and emotional, and environmental needs of all people by spreading God's will through word and deed.
The Church exists to carry out the commands of God concerning the destruction his foes; Satan, the Antedelivuans and thier minions the Camarilla. We are also are dedicated to strengthening the heart, mind, and soul of ourselves and the Sabbat for the coming Apacolyopse.
As a Christian fellowship we seek to provide a model of God's warriors on Earth to those not yet in the fold so that through our example they might learn and save themselves from destruction.
We aim to provide opportunities for the acknowledgement and worship of God, a fellowship of prayer and a centre for Christian teaching and spiritual exploration - learning how to understand and communicate the Word of God as it manifests during the Tribulation.