Politics within the Sabbat, Mixtures of Anarchy

There is a common misconception amongst the camarilla that the sabbat is entirely comprised of rabid anarchists and deviants whose only concerns are how to next eat their elder’s souls. The facts about the sects politics are much more involved, and disturbing to the camarilla as a whole. The political factions within the sect are as filled with intrigue as any in the camarilla, perhaps more so. This then is a primer on one of the most frightening things imaginable, the fanatics within a terrorist organization.

The first line of division within the sect is that of political leaning. Although they are not as pronounced and there are no codes or signup sheets for any of the political factions within the Sabbat, the fighting between the different points of view within the sabbat is as vicious as the war between the Israelis and the Palestinians. The only difference in the fighting is that it is much more subtle and any war is likely to take place over the course of at least ten to twenty years. Here then are the major political factions within the sect, to be followed by the minor factions and finally a glossary of terms used by the sect at large.

The Loyalist Faction:

These kindred are, to here them say it the only true sabbat left. The Loyalists embody the original tenants of the anarch revolt that started the sabbat centuries ago. Loyalists believe in freedom for it’s own sake. Their opinion is each vampire is his own master, and to hell with anyone who says otherwise. The faction has little respect outside of it’s own membership because of it’s members annoying habits of disregarding orders, randomly destroying people and property for no gain and generally acting like a group of sixteen year old punk rock kids with superhuman powers. Most of the members of the faction are the younger groups of sabbat and quite a few of the random nomadic packs espouse the virtues of the Loyalist movement. There is no organizational structure behind the Loyalists, nor is their much in the way of political responsibility given to the individual members of the faction. It is also the most frequently “outgrown” faction, acting much like the anarch movement of the present in that regard. In the grand scheme of sabbat politics the Loyalists are considerably less powerful, though they do have some victories in the recent past, such as their involvement in the establishment of the Panders as a clan.

The Status Quo

These vampires are pretty happy with the overall nature of the sect as a whole. The Lasombra are on top, and things are in fact relatively stable at the top of the sect. This is just the way these kindred want it. It’s not that they mind if different individuals run the show at the top, it’s just that they want to continue to maintain the façade to the Camarilla that they have for hundreds of years already. The Status Quo tends to try to balance between the concerns of the Moderates and the demands of the Loyalists quite often. This leads to the faction being home to some of the most effective individual leaders amongst the sabbat, as they know the proper ways to phrase requests to get the most out of all of the factions. Quite a few Loyalists end up here when they out grow the Loyalist philosophy.


The Moderates are in a unique position within the Sabbat. They believe that things within the sect are good enough, but could be better. They are against the increasing control over individuals within the sect, but they also acknowledge the need for some structure. The faction is if anything the middle ground between the Status Quo and the Loyalists. They are against more order and structure but do not see a need to disregard orders to no end other than to prove a point. Most of the sect at one point in time or another finds itself in the camp of the Moderates, but the overall apathy of the constituency (they have more important things to do) leads to a low overall membership, keeping the faction weaker than one would expect.


This faction is almost entirely composed of the eldest members of the sect who believe in increasing the rule of law within the Sabbat in order to more effectively control their army against the Camarilla. They wish to mold the sect into an effective fighting force against the Antediluvians by limiting the personal freedom of the rank and file members and removing weak leaders. The faction is seen as an “old boys network” by the younger Cainites in the sect, that has not done anything effective in hundreds of years. The membership of the faction is comprised mostly of older Lasombra and Tzimisce and their sympathizers.

The Black Hand

The Black Hand is without a doubt the most mysterious and misunderstood faction within the Sabbat. Thought of as a group of paramilitary assassins within a group of terrorists by older Cainites not in the know, and thought of as the biggest group of badasses in the Sabbat by younger Cainites. Both of these points of view are partly right and partly wrong as the Black Hand seems to be one of those things you only find out the truth about when you become a member. On that note, the recruitment of Black Hand members is something that is done purely on a we ask you, you don’t come down to the local recruitment office and ask us basis. The only commonly held thread known at all levels about the Hand is that they are the ones that are called when there are problems that must be solved that cannot quite be handled on the local level. For all purposes the Hand just seems to be a mystery to those not involved, but it is known that they have the ability to make themselves quite vocal about politics when they decide to.

The Inquisition

The Inquisition is a more recently conceived entity that has come about in response to the growing problem of infernalism within the Sabbat. Founded first in 1804 and subsequently disbanded after the first Sabbat Civil war due to its entanglement in the sect’s politics, it was reformed in 1911 as a non political entity to root out and destroy any traces of infernalism polluting the Sabbat. The current inquisition consists of an indeterminately low number of members that are separated from sect politics and charged with their duties. Inquisitioners are feared for their abilities to sentence any member of the sect to death and carry out the execution seemingly at will. They are also feared for their lengthily investigations that inevitability dredge up all manner of past dirt in a city uncovering many hidden wounds that are left open after their leaving. They are also rumored to have a rivalry with The Black Hand because of an unknown reason. Could it be the Hand does not like any encroachment on it’s own power base?

Presented below is the Purchase Pact of 1803, followed by The Code of Milan of 1933. These two documents form the basis of law within the Sabbat, within of course the interpretation of the local Bishops or Archbishop.

Terms of the Purchase Pact

Let it be known that forthwith, the Sabbat exists as a free entity, through the price of that freedom comes in the form of the sacrifice of certain rights.

On this, the 19th of September, 1803 all Sabbat of good faith and conscience do hereby suspend all grievances with other Sabbat.

Any Sabbat found in open violation of this agreements-e.g, any Sabbat making open war on another for the purposes of his own betterment at the expense of the sect-is hereby declared forsaken, and may be hunted for the blood in his veins. Such abandonment must be pronounced by a duly recognized bishop, archbishop or other elder member of the sect.

In this we are united, in this we are Sabbat.

The Code of Milan:

  1. The Sabbat shall remain united in its support of the sect’s regent. If necessary, a new regent shall be elected. The regent shall support relief from tyranny, granting all sabbat freedom.

  2. All Sabbat shall do their best to serve their leaders as long as said leaders serve the will of the regent.

  3. All Sabbat shall faithfully observe all the Auctoritas Ritae.

  4. All Sabbat shall keep their word of honor to one another.

  5. All Sabbat shall treat their peers fairly and equally, upholding the strength and unity of the Sabbat. If necessary, they shall provide for the needs of their brethren.

  6. All Sabbat must put the good of the sect and the race of Cainites before their own personal needs, despite all costs.

  7. Those who are not honorable under this code will be considered less than equal and therefore unworthy of assistance.

  8. As it has always been, so shall it always be. The Lextalionis shall be the model for undying justice by which all Sabbat shall abide.

  9. All Sabbat shall protect one another from the enemies of the sect. Personal enemies shall remain a personal responsibility, unless they undermine sect security.

  10. All sect members shall protect Sabbat territory from all other powers.

  11. The spirit of freedom shall be the fundamental principle of the sect. All Sabbat shall expect and demand freedom from their leaders.

  12. The Ritus of Monomacy shall be used to settle disputes among all Sabbat.

  13. All Sabbat shall support the Black Hand.

Addenda To The Code of Milan

  1. All Sabbat have the right to monitor the behavior and activities of their fellow sect members in order to maintain freedom and security.

  2. All Sabbat possess the right to call a council of their peers and immediate leaders.

  3. All Sabbat shall act against sect members who use the powers and authority the Sabbat has given them for personal gain at the expense of the Sabbat. Action shall be taken only through accepted means, approved by a quorum of Prisci.

A Sabbat Glossary:

Albigensian: A follower of the path of Cathari

Archbishop: A vampire who serves as the leader of Sabbat influence in a city, not all cities have Archbishops, some have councils of Bishops.

Bahari/Lilin: A follower of the path of Lilith

Bishop: A vampire who either serves or advises an Archbishop or maintains the influence of the Sabbat in a city, with the help of his peers.

Beast: A follower of the path of the Feral Heart

Chief: The leader of a war party

Corruptor/Slave: A follower of the path of Evil Revelations

Coven: A founded Sabbat pack

Ductus: The leader of a Sabbat pack

Knight: A follower of the path of Honorable Accord

Monomacy: A ritual duel between vampires of the Sabbat held under formal rules. This duel is a traditional Sabbat means of settling disputes.

Necronomist: A follower of the path of Death and the Soul

Noddist: A follower of the path of Caine

Paladin/Templar: The bodyguard / assassin of another important vampire. They are forbidden membership in the Black Hand due to conflicting loyalties

Priscus: A Sabbat vampire who advises the Regent and Cardinals, usually very advanced in age

Regent: The “leader” of the Sabbat, only one at any given time

Unifier: A follower of the path of power and the Inner Voice