[CoT] Church funds

From: Rev. Bob Mahoney <smoore@teuse.net>
Date: Thu Jun 17 2004 - 11:24:25 EDT

        since I havn't heard from anyone else I spent the church funds this way:

     1. From the Church resources (level 3) I am sending $500 to the Tallahassee Junior Museum (or what ever there name is this week) in an anonymous donation for the purchase of a new Ram.
        2. Another $250 is being spent on flyers and advertising for the church (a small newspaper ad).
        3. $250 for gas for the shuttle vans, bottled water and our first soup kitchen night (Franks and Beans). Soup Kitchen night is first come first serve. We feed anyone who comes as long as the attend a service.
        4. The remaining $1000 is going into the "New Tent Fund"

If I actually could spell I'd have spelled it right in the first place. 
Shawn Moore <smoore@teuse.net>		
Received on Thu Jun 17 11:24:28 2004

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