Re: [CoT] Rites

From: Rev. Bob Mahoney <>
Date: Sun Jun 06 2004 - 18:22:05 EDT

        We have added a new Rite: The Sacrifice of the Elect. This rite is used when we let some mortal into the secret that vmapires exist. It ususaly the final step before Embracing them. The ritual requires a ram, and a stone altar (we carry the needed stone with us as part of the churches gear).

        A Reader stands at the front of the church off to the right he will replace the name Issac with the name of the canidate, and change appropriate pronouns. The Pastor, at least one other and the canidate stand just outside the main door of the church. The Stone Altar is set up infront of the cross on the platform [I know I'll send a mail descibing the church soon]. The ram is held by someone behind the screen behind the stone altar. During the reading the Pastor takes the part of Abraham, responding as Abraham responds, the person behind the screen will take the part of the Angel's voice, the canidate that of Issac and the other person that of Abrahams servants.

        Reader: And it came to pass that God did tempt Abraham, and said unto him Abraham
        Pastor: [Steps into the room alone] Behold I am here.

        Reader: And he said, take now they son whom though lovest and get thee into the land of Moriah and offer him there for a burnt offering upon one of the mountains which I shall tell thee of.
                And Abraham rose up early in the morning and took two of his young men with him and Issac his son and clave the wood for the burt offering and rose up and went unto the place of which God had told him.
        Pastor: [exits the church and returns with the canidate and 2 young men]
        Reader: Then on the third day Abraham lift up his eyes and saw the place far off.

        Pastor: [while reader reads walks with the canidate and servant to center of the church, looks up at the high altar. Then to the young men: ] Abide you here and I and the lad will go up yonder and worship and come again to you.

        Reader: And Abraham too the wood of the burnt offering and laid it upon Issac his son; and he took the fire in his hand, and a knife, and they went both of them togeather.

        Abraham: [walks with Issac to the low altar].

        Reader: And Issac spake unto Abraham his father and said "My Father"

        Abraham: "Here I am my son"

        Reader: "Behod the fire and the wood but where is the lamb for the burnt offering".

        Abraham: "My son God will provide himself the lamb for a burnt offering"
        Reader: So they went both of the togeather.

        Abraham: [walks with Issac to the high altar].

        Reader: And they came to the place which God had told him of; and Abrham built an alter there; and laid the wood in order, and bound Issac, and laid him on the alter upon the wood.

        Abraham: [Binds Issac and lays him on the alter].

        Reader: And Abraham streatched forth his hand and took the knife to saly his son.
                And the angel of the lord called unto him out of heaven and said

        Angel: Abraham, Abraham.

        Abraham: Her I am.

        Angel: Lay not thine hand upon the lad, neither do thou any thing unto him; for now I know that thou fearest God, seeing though hast not withheld thy son.

        Reader: And Abraham lifted up his eyes and looked and hehold behind him a ram caught in a thicket by his horns and offered him up for a burnt offering in the stead of his son.

        Decon: Release ram from behind the screen.

        Abraham: [Takes the ram and replace Issac on the Alter. Issac assists in holding the Ram. Abraham uses the Holy Spear to slit stab the ram. And then bites out its throat with his fangs. Once the Ram is dead he uses the spear to open its belly removes the heart and circles the Alter leading Issac. Issac is knelt before the alter and Abraham anoints Issac with the blood squeezed from the heart. Then the two of them take the candles to either side of the alter and set finre to the ram.]


If I actually could spell I'd have spelled it right in the first place. 
Shawn Moore <>				
Received on Sun Jun 6 18:22:10 2004

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