[CoT] Pack Mailing List

From: Shawn Moore <smoore@teuse.net>
Date: Thu Jun 03 2004 - 09:27:28 EDT

        Welcome to the Church of the Horsemen of the Tribulation Pack mailing list (cot@teuse.net). Shawn has thougtfully subscribed you in complete disregard of any wishes you may or may not have because either: your supposedly in the pack, or your one of those nosey people running the game that want to know what we are doing. If for some reason you shouldn't be on this list let me know and I'll remove you.

        You can send messages to the list by sending mail to cot@teuse.net. All messages from the list will be prefixed with [CoT] in the subject line (don;t worry the list does that for you). There is a way to get archives and such but I'm still working on that part.

        Ok there will be a web page for this game at http://www.teuse.net/games/vampire/freeandloyal. I'll be posting some of the stuff the staff writes up in html and it will accessable without having to sign in to that yahoo list. There will also be a section for just the pack, I'll send out a username and password later.

If I actually could spell I'd have spelled it right in the first place. 
Shawn Moore <smoore@teuse.net>		
Received on Thu Jun 3 09:47:55 2004

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