Mind Procedures
- You can not hide from us! (Mind 1) [No-Mind] By viewing a space with modern Gas Discharge Visualization (GDV) techniques, an outgrowth of the Kirlian Effect, an Operative can see the Aura given off by any being with a mind. This allows the detection of not only those hidden, say behind a closet door, but beings that normally wouldn't be visible like ghosts not that those exist). Because this is a mind procedure it can not be used to find unconscious beings, like those in a coma, however those just asleep, particularly if dreaming will show up. This is also useful for determining if something is artificial, and doesn't have a mind like a robot.
Apparatus: Camera for input and a display. The latest techniques allows the effect to be used with both digital photography and live video, or Mirrorshades.
- Trained to Resist: (Mind 1) [Mind Shield] Operatives are taught to harden their minds to invasive, coercive and manipulative mind techniques. With this procedure they can bring back that training at will. In addition they can use nearby electronic devices to generate both interference fields and
Apparatus: Wireless headset.
- We are with the Government, ma'am.: (Mind 2): An apparently blank prop kept a wallet where ones identification would be kept. When shown to others it appears to be the proper identification that the holder is claiming, whether that is simply a drivers licenses with another name, FBI credentials, a detectives badge or whatever is required.
Apparatus: An official looking badge in a wallet. The Masses are easily convinced that those in authority are the only ones who would claim such authority, and can not differentiate official documents nor properly identify them.
- We are in Authority Here! (Mind 2) Commonly used as We will be taking over this case now. People simply do not question a impressive enough authority figure. This Procedure makes the Operative seem to be the epitome of lawful authority and not to be questioned.
This Procedure adds automatic successes gained on the arete roll to any intimidation and/or leadership rolls.
If successes equal a victims willpower are scored on a combined arete + cha/man +
leadership/intimidation, then that individual must spend a point of willpower to attack or directly contravene
the "proper authority".
Apparatus: The Black Suit.
- Nothing to see here (Mind 2) This Procedure can be used to pacify large groups of people and make them
effectively ignore the activities of official looking people. They go about their business and do their best not
to notice what is going on elsewhere. It is, in effect, Somebody Else's Problem.
Enough successes must be
garnered to effect everyone in the vicinity, otherwise gawkers may still be attracted. If enough successes are
received, magickal effects can be considered to have no witnesses, and no one will be able to accurately
describe anything that just happened. Correspondance may be required to affect truly large areas
Apparatus: The Black Suit, The Badge, possibly police tape and backup depending on the size of the area.
- Move Along (Mind 2) p45 NWO book. A few agents nearby discourage bystanders. Anyone desiring to get too close must pass willpoer roll to overcome intimidation.
Apparatus: The Black Suit, The Badge, possibly police tape and backup depending on the size of the area.
- Command the Wearied Mind: (Mind 2) [Subliminal Impulse] This Procedure allows a one-word command to be planted
into the subconscious mind of the target. The word must be a word the target will understand, and must be a
command. Projecting a word like "piano" will only momentarily confuse the target. Also, be aware that many
words have dual meanings. Thus, saying "Brake!" may induce the driver of a vehicle to stop the vehicle, or to
break the steering wheel, or, perhaps even to have a mental breakdown (though this last is unlikely.)
Apparatus: The Black Suit. The Masses are trained to recognize authority, and react sheepishly to its commands.
- The Voice of Authority (Mind 2) The Operative gives his voice a tone of authority and power, making it hard to
resist orders or suggestions made. Whatever the Operative says, it will be remembered.
Each success add one dice to social rolls. To resist an direct order from the
mage the victim must succeed in a willpower roll with a target number equal to the mages willpower (suitably
modified. A direct, simple order as "drop it!" will increase the target number, while a complex or dangerous
order will decrease it)
Apparatus: The Black Suit.
- Plausible Denial (Mind 3) NWO book p46. 3 or more success and and subjet forgets they witnessed and event. Repeated uses can cause blackouts. Further reeducation is needed for those who respond to "You saw nothing" with "Yes I did".
Apparatus: The Black Suit.
- Moral Support (Mind 3). [Mind Shield: Aegis] The Operative's presence and training can strenghen the will power of his fellow teammates to resist mental attack.
Apparatus: The Black Suit.
- Extended memory manager (Mind 1) This Rote allows the Operative to remember large amounts
of data with perfect clarity. It can be used to preserve specific memories or to retrieve largely forgotten
ones. Mages who store too much information can experience side effects like confusion as sensory cues cause a
flood of associated memories or an inability to remember without using the Rote. Some mages find it necessary to
"purge" old memories to make way for fresh data. Combined with other senses and Mind effects, the EMM becomes
even more useful. For instance, the Operative can flip through a book, then Multi-Task and have one task carefully
read it from memory or "rewind" her memory of a recent encounter to look for details that her conscious mind
To imprint a photographic memory, the Operative rolls her Arete with the number of successes indicating how long (on
the normal duration chart) the memory is retained with perfect clarity. During this duration the Operative can look
back just as if she were still experiencing the memory even to the point of noticing details for the first time.
After the duration is up, the memory fades to normal levels of recall. To retrieve a forgotten experience, the
mage rolls with successes read on the duration chart to indicate how far back she can remember. Clarity is high
but she cannot notice new details - only those which she noted at some point but has forgotten. Photographic and
Eidetic mnemonic abilities are a documented fact, making this Rote static magic. If questioned the camera and
microphone are alwyas on.
Apparatus: Wireless headset.
- Hypnosis (Mind 2)
The effects of hypnosis are widely documented, but its origin lies not with the Technocracy but with the
Order of Hermes. In the 19th century, the Order started publicly using many Mind effects using its Showstone
focus. Though some of these early mesmerists were hunted by the Technocracy or succumbed to Paradox, the idea
of Hypnosis was firmly planted in the minds of the sleepers. In the years since, the Technocracy has had no
choice but to "explain" the phenomenon, though doing so has not stopped the Order from making use of it.
Hypnosis places the subject, who must be willing or unsuspecting if the magick is to be Static, in a
suggestible mental state. Hypnotized subjects can be probed for information, given post-hypnotic suggestion to
implant compulsions that will be acted on later, or helped in a variety of ways.
Hypnotizing a cooperative or unsuspecting subject requires only one success, but unsuspecting subjects
make a Willpower roll to resist. Unwilling subjects can be Hypnotized by coincidental magick requiring 2
successes. The state of mind brought about by Hypnosis allows for all the standard "tricks" including implanted
suggestions. Subjects get a second Willpower roll to resist any implanted suggestions they are disinclined to
In addition, Hypnosis can be used to help a subject achieve some of the benefits of the first sphere of
mind. Memories can be recovered, pain blocked, and autonomic responses controlled. Half the successes obtained
in Hypnotising a subject can be applied to giving that subject such abilities.
F/X - The effect of this Rote is so commonly accepted among sleepers that it can be considered Static
Apparatus: Wireless headset. The flashing light sets up the rhythm needed to initiate the hypnosis.
- Suspicion (Mind 2)
The Operative can plant a seed of doubt and suspicion in the target's mind. This usally is
complimented by a situation, person, or thing for the target to become suspicious of. The target will then go
ahead and create something to be suspicious about.
Apparatus: The Black Suit.
- Sound Editor (Mind 3) This allows the Operative to "edit out" certain sounds from a scene.
This is strictly a perceptual thing for the mage. Others will still hear those sounds.
Apparatus: Earpeice. It generates whitenoise to cancel out the unwanted sounds.
- Mindspeech: (Mind 3) [Telepathy] The wearer can speak mind to mind with other people, as determined by number of successes. This can not be detected, jammed or eavesdropped on by electromagnetic means.
Apparatus: Earpiece and Mike.
- Tongues: (Mind 3) Sound is recorded by the headset and played back in real time translation via the Earpiece. When used with the PDA and the wireless throat mike it can be used to translate the Operatives speech back into the other language via the PDA speaker.
Apparatus: PDA, Earpiece, Mike.
- Programming (Mind 3)
Apparatus: Lab.
- Probe Thoughts (Mind 3)
Apparatus: Lab.
- Clear the Area! (Mind 3 Correspondence 2): This rote is originally a Marauder rote, used to harass the Technocracy. The Operative simply connects all the minds in the vicinity to each other, allowing them to share their thoughts and feelings. The result is usually total, self-enforcing panic which can turn normal people into a stampeding mob in seconds. Using Mind 4, the Operative can control the mob, and use it as a crude but very deadly weapon.
- Bread and Circuses ( Mind 3) Because the Technocracy has worked so hard to put Televisions in every home they are able to reap
the benefit of it's effects. Not everybody knows this, and this is absolutely true, but watching television can alter your
brainwave patterns. Most people go from Beta waves (ordinary everyday problem solving mind) to Alpha
waves(passive,imaging,suggestible mind) in the space of ten seconds. A Operative can use a portable Alpha
generator to dolorize the minds of his targets. Such generators can be concealed in wristwatches
The rote adds +1 to the difficulty of any willpower roll or any roll
that requires concentration(including magick) for each success on the arete roll. (note that the Concentration modifier on a
magick roll cannot go higher than +3 but everything else can exceed that. The Concentrate Merit and Iron Will can mitigate or
nullify these effects.
Apparatus: A TV, an Alpha wave generator