• Dissolve (Life 4) A nasty procedure invented by a desperate and hateful Euthanatos against her master. The Operative dissolves the tissues of her victim. Bones become flexible, muscles turn into jelly and the blood become almost etheric. Usually the victim just collapses and burst open, in a gross and very vulgar display.


  • Analyze Composition (Matter 1) The Operative knows the chemical composition of any item she chooses to analyze with the attached stylus.
  • Clean Without Water (Matter 3) This procedure will efficiently clean the Operative (or anything else). Dust and dirt just vanish, leaving everything spotless. It also adjusts the hair and makes it shiny, adjusts make-up and does manicure. It of course includes perfume and deodorant.


  • Mirrorshades (DS 1)
  • Quantum Interference Shielding (DS 2)


  • Detect Invisible (Correspondence 1 or Forces 1 to detect warpings of space or effect on light, Mind 1 to detect Untethered or DS 1 to find Spirits) Locates distortions of space or manipulations of light to detect those hidden from view in area. Mind 2 can also be used to locate people by their minds, and Life 1 can be used to scan for life force.
  • Geographic Overlay (Correspondence 1). overlays a map on the interior of the operative mirrorshades.
  • Panoramic Vision (Correspondence 1). 95 degree vision double the normal field of view.
  • Snipertrace (Correspondence 1). This procedure was recently pioneered by combat Virtual Adepts using their HUD displays. The procedure lets computers track the path of any projectile back to its point of origin. Time 2 can be used to determine the paths of projectiles that have already been shot. Using this procedure with a video input is coincidental. Mind * can be used to make the procedure track many lines of fire at once. [ Each success comes closer to pinpointing the source, at 3 or more successes the sniper"s location is known enough to be attacked, even if he is invisible or concealed. ]
  • Telescopic Sight (Correspondence 2) With this, the Operative can see distant seems as if they were closer, without necessarily moving his viewpoint, simply enlarging distant scenes. Crystals in the glasses are twisted into magnify lenses.
  • Sense connection (Correspondence 1) Can sense the precense of unusual connections in a person or object. For example can be used to determine which ring in a box of rings was worn as an engagement ring.
  • Range finder (Correspondence 1) Can instantly detemine the exaxt range to an object.
  • Where Am I? (Correspondence 1) The device will determine its position relative another, known place (Like his home or his starting point). When moving away from the starting point the operative will still know where it is, and feel direction and distance to it. I'm not sure this is needed. A GPS will basically do this anyway. I guess it works underground and inside buildings too.
  • Amplified Hearing (Correspondence 2) This procedure allows the Operative to hear farther away, or closer up. She will hear the most minute sounds.
  • Surveillance (Correspondence 2)
  • Tracking Device (Correspondence 2)


  • Visualize EM wavelengths: (Forces 1) The operative can see in any range of the EM spectrum near that of visual light, ie the infrared and ultraviolet. This allows him to see in situations where he could not otherwise see, darkness (bodies still emit infrared radition), through smoke and fog (ultraviolet rays penetrate where visible light will not). With the addition of an infrared or ultraviolet emiitter it also allows him to see in what would be total darkness but without giving away visible clues to his presence. Many bodily fluids also show up well under ultraviolet light, and old documents are often more readble in other wavelengths.
    Apparatus: Mirrorshades

  • I only see what I want to see (Forces 1) This procedure allows the Operatives Mirrorshades to block out certain wavelenghts, or intensitys of electromagnetic radiation, effectively making him immune to sudden changes in light, like flashbangs, or allowing him to only see certain colors.
    Apparatus: Mirrorshades

  • Light of Darkness (Forces 1) Mirrorshades act like a starlight scope magnifying the available light that passes through them allowing the wearer to see in semi or near total darkness as if it were daylight. This only amplifies the existing light sources, it does not create new ones.
    Apparatus: Mirrorshades

  • Detect Radiation (Forces 1) When this is used, the Operative can determine what kind of radiation and at what levels it is present in the area. Can be tied to the alarm function of the PDA to notify if a certain type is detected, or levels are exceeded. Can be used to detect transmissions and any other electromagnatic (radio, infrared, light, ultraviolet light) as well as thermal and forms of nuclear radiation. Useful for detecting bugs or pirate brodcast stations.
    Apparatus: PDA
  • Current Metering (Forces 1)
  • Screamer Stun Unit [palm-sized black box, patched with electrical tape] Sub/super/sonic stun blast (Forces 2, Conventional)
  • Hot-Shotting: (Forces 3)


  • Somebody Else's Problem (Mind 2 or 3): The Operative dampens the interest of something, for example himself. The victims won't notice anything unless it's spectacular, and will lose it unless he keeps his eyes on it. A person with SEP can walk down a street without being noticed or remembered, but a security guard will probably stop him if he tries to enter a restricted area (the guard is on lookout for any intruder). With Mind 3 the Operative can erase all perception of himself, which turns him invisible for all practical purposes as long as he don't break the illusion by attacking somebody, turn over something or collide with someone. This type of procedure/invisibility is very common.
  • Speed-Read (Mind 1) The Operative can read many times faster than normal with this Procedure. Each success adds 1 to the multiple for reading times, starting at 1 for 1 success.
  • Guilt: (Mind 3)This procedure allows the Operative to impress brief moments of extreme guilt onto another person. This person then takes that guilt, and makes it their own. The mind must make order out of even alien concepts, so it will integrate the guilt into the person"s unconscious.


  • Tracking Beacon ( Correspondence 1 Prime 2) The Operative "marks" an object, say with a radioactive tracer, which he afterwords will be able to find
  • Sphere of Truth (Forces 3 Mind 2 Prime 2) Used to tell if someone tells the truth or talks with true conviction about something. On the screen a small sphere of vibrating, dancing light emerges. It will change color, size and shape depending on the targets state of mind and what he says. If he lies, the sphere will become darker, stained and begin to vibrate with a eerie sound. If the bearer tells the truth it will become brighter. If the bearer talks with true conviction and tells the truth it will jump up and down, glittering with intense colors depending on mood. The PDA does this by analyzing the voice pattern of the target.
  • Transplant Skills (Mind 3 Correspondence 2): In some cases a Operative might need a skill or ability he doesn't know. To ameliorate this problem, someone invented this procedure. The Operative simply reaches into the mind of somebody with the necessary skill, and taps it. The donor doesn't notice anything except that he tends to think a lot about the skill for no apparent reason, and that he gets strange glimpses of the situation of the Operative. The Operative, on the other hand, can use the skill for the duration of the procedure, but caution is advised. The minds of people are tied closely together, and one cannot just grab a single skill without expecting other things to follow. Mages who use the procedure report that their personalities sometimes temporarily change towards the personalities of the donor, and that they sometimes get strange impulses or memories from the other person.

    [Each success will allow one skill level to be borrowed from a donor. The borrowed skills will completely replace the Operative's own, but may be supplemented with Dream for a truly dangerous and psychedelic effect. However, if the Operative gets more than two successes his Demeanor will change to the Demeanor of the donor of the skill for the duration of the procedure. If he gets four successes, his Nature will change too. Mental quirks and insanity may also be transmitted in this way. If the Operative is searching for a rare ability, Correspondence 3 may be used.]

  • Pull Over (Mind 2, Forces 4, Prime 2) This Procedure is often used by the New World Order to prevent the enemies of the pogrom from escaping. It is derived from the fact that most NWO operatives pose as official agents of some worldly power (i.e as government agents or Police Officers.) It is thus easy for them to set up this procedure as a coincidence. The effect involves causing a moving vehicle to slow down and stop. This is achieved by two methods. The first is the manipulation of the driver's mind - causing him/her to believe that it would be a good idea to stop. The second, which is sometimes included as a precaution against the first method not working, involves manipulating kinetic forces so that the car can no longer move. A coincidental effect is easily maintained if the NWO Operative is acting as a police officer as passers-by (and the 'paradox police') simply see an obvious law-breaker being pulled over by the police. It is very easy for a good NWO operative to dream up a charge to bring against an enemy of the pogrom. [Mind 2 is first employed to cause the driver of the car to believe that he should slow down and stop. This is often reinforced by the presence of an obvious police presence as the agent masquerades as an official officer of the law. For those victims who are reluctant to stop the Forces 4, Prime 2 effect is activated in order to create an opposing force to the kinetic energy powering the vehicle - the vehicle is thus forced to a stop whether the occupants want it to or not...]
  • Sanitize Evidence (Matter 2, Forces 2)
  • Social conditioning (Mind 3 Prime 2)
  • Motivational Speaking (Mind 2, Prime 2 (emotions) or Mind 3 Prime 2 (False Ideas))
  • Purge Thought Crime (Mind 3 Prime 2)
  • Osmosis (Matter 1 Mind 1): The Operative "reads" an object by holding it, and quickly learn all information it holds. This can take different time depending on the amount of information, but afterwords the Operative can recite everything out of memory (hopefully he knows the language). Very practical for books, letters or computer disks. The Operative doesn't necessarily understand the information, but he can recite it or remember particular parts. [For electronic media, use Forces 1 instead of Matter.]
  • See Through Borrowed Eyes (Mind 3 Correspondence 2): The Operative "borrows" the senses of another person. The victim will notice that he is experiencing things a little differently, but not how.
  • Find Paradox (Prime 1 Entropy 1) Paradox Energies are subtle and capricious, but often telltale indicators of magical activity. Even small acts of vulgar magic leave traces, which can be found by clever Operatives. Order of Hermes whisper the seven secret names of Discordia over their seal while the Virtual Adepts link up with a network and check for disturbances in the information flow to find Paradox.
  • Detect Undead (Matter 1, Mind 3) Locates Vampires, Zombies, etc. Can also determine state of mind, if a mind is present.
  • Spy Beam (Correspondence 2 Time 2 any other spheres you want) This allows spies to monitor targets, ignoring barriers coincidentally (the old laser on the window trick, or the infinity transmitter hooked up to the phone, or "good thing they picked the suite with the bug in it!") and even allowing them to scroll forward and backward in time to monitor events that have happened (It's already in the CD-ROM, we've been taping this room for nine months) or events that might happen (statistical probability projection complete with spiffy graphics). Other spheres make the read-outs more complete (Life, Matter, and Forces are particularly useful). Foci for this effect: Rifle microphone, infinity transmitter, laser-scope microphone, little sophisticated bugs, a van chock-full of complicated electronics and spies dressed up like waiters, or even a camcorder hidden in the closet.
  • Red Eyes (Forces 3, Prime 2) Allows voluntary subject to see in near total darkness. Eyes glow an eerie red with hints of infinite depth. This is a combination of ultraviolet sensitivity, infrared sensitivity and active emission of both wavelengths. Vastly superior to viewing in only 1 wavelength. The active emissions provide an almost radar like reflective addition to sight.
  • Reveal The Enlightened (Prime 1 Spirit 1) By watching people through the sunglasses they are able to see the strength of their Genius and the Quintessence in them.
  • Intel (Correspondence 3, Mind 1)