There is nothing wrong with your television set. Do not attempt to adjust the picture. We are controlling transmission. We will control the horizontal. We will control the vertical. -Outer Limits 1963-1965
- Origins
- Ancient History
- Religious Control of the Masses
- Modern Era
- Enlightenment Schism
- Illuminati
- American and French Revolutions
- Ancien Regime
- Nous ordo Seclorum
- Round Table Movement
- Society of the Elect
- Royal Institute of International Affairs, Council on Foreign Relations
- Bilderberg Group, Trilateral Commission, and World Trade Organization
- Alice Bailey. Ascended Masters.
- Bolshevik Revolution
- United Nations
- European Union
Hiding in the Open
- Regular notice to the mass that we exist
Thought control and Surveillance
- Water Floridation (with the Progenators)
- Mass Marketing, exportation of American Culture
- MTV, CNN, Media Mergers
- Cell Phones, Google
Enemies of the State
- Anarchists and Criminals
- Reichstag arson and Nazi Germany
- FBI and Prohibition
- Capitalists and Communists
- Terrorists
- 9/11, Pam am 103, 1993 World Trade Center bombings
- Patriot Act
- Homeland Security
- Information Awarness Office:
- Denver Internatonal Airport