Campaign Rules Campaign Rules Campaign Rules

The campaign will be run using a modified version of the rules found in the Mordheimer's Campaign Aid v1.2.

Allowed Warbands
Official Warbands
Averlander Mercenary Warbands TC10/MHA
Beastmen Raiders TC29/EIF
Carnival of Chaos, The TC27/EIF
Cult of the Possessed MHR
Dwarf Treasure Hunters TC04/MHA
Kislevite Warband TC16/MHA
Mercenaries (Marienburgers, Middenheimers,
Orcs & Goblins Warband TC6/MHA
Ostlander Mercenary Warbands TC11/MHA
Sisters of Sigmar, The MHR
Skaven MHR
Undead, The MHR
Witch Hunters MHR
Unofficial Warbands
Amazons (new version) TC23TC23
Arabian Tomb Raiders TC20/KHE
Black Orcs FO91/NC
Bretonnian Warbands TC8
Clan Pestilens TC29/FO32
Dark Elf Warband TC12/LUS
Dwarf Rangers FO91/NC
Forest Goblins FO91/NC
Gunnery School of Nuln FO91/NC
Hochland Bandits FO91/NC
Horned Hunters, The FO91/NC
Imperial Outriders FO91/NC
Lizardman Warband TC11/LUS
Norse Warband TC13/LUS/BTB
Outlaws Of the Stirwood Forest, The TC29
Pirates (Shiver Me Timbers!) TC9/FO65
Pit Fighters (new version) TC21
Shadow Warriors TC10/MHA
Tilean Warband (Miragleans, Remasens,
Tomb Guardians TC18/KHE
Experimental Warbands
Marauders of Chaos BtB
Battle Monks of CathayBtB
The Restless DeadBtB

Why cant I play X?

The Map
The map has been modified with new locations added, a few moved and connections between locations somewhat altered. We will be playing with a variant of the Fog of War. Players will know their own locations (Primary, Defendable and Controlled locations), the connections leading to/from those locations and whether or not the adjacent locations are Occupied by an enemy warband (only the Primary and Defendable areas will show up as Occupied).

Map Key

Starting Locations
In addition to the 4 gate locations and 4 Starting locations the following warbands may choose to start at these alternate locations at the beginning of the campaign only. While this starts the band in the city and with campaign points the area isn't necessarily connected to a trade city and the band may develop problems recruiting and buying rares (see Trading/Recruiting).

NPC Warbands

The following NPC warbands may be used (we have the models for them or will soon). At least 1 NPC war band per player band should be included to bring the number of warbands to a minimum of 8. Yes some of these are not allowed to players. This is the play test area to possibly include them later.

NPC Warband movement
Assign a number 1-6 to each blue line. If the number of connections is less than 4 assign numbers in pairs (1-2 to the first connection, 3-4 to the second connection). Roll a d6. The warband will move along that connection. If a number is rolled was not assigned the warband will remain still and lot.

NPC warbands will always spend any available campaign points to "Rush to the Defense" of their Controlled locations. If attacked by several warbands in one turn they will defend against the the one with the highest warband rating.

Campaign Points
  1. Warbands gain Campaign Points based on value of the locations they occupy and special victory conditions in certain scenarios.
  2. A single Campaign Point can be spent to close a route connected to the current primary location instead of a looting. This represents a warband putting up barricades, dropping buildings and closing the twisting streets of Mordheim.
  3. A single Campaign Point can be spent to open a new route between any 2 locations with one of them being the Primary location as long as that route does not cross an existing route or the river instead of looting. This represents a warband mapping out and clearing a new path through the destroyed streets.
  4. The warband may choose to defend a single Defendable location per turn at no cost. At the end of the combat the band returns to the Primary location win or lose the battle.
  5. If a Controlled location is attacked and the band did not already fight a battle this turn it may spend 1CP per location traveled through from the primary location to that location to "Rush to the Defense" of that location. If the warband wins location this becomes the new primary location. If the warband losses retreat as if that had been the primary area.
  6. When looting the warband may spend 1 Campaign point per hero that it wishes to send shopping for rares items or recruiting instead of looting with that hero. See Trading and Recruiting.
  7. During the Exploration phase the warband may send heroes to shop or recruit instead of rolling a die to explore with that hero. Follow the same rules listed in the previous rule concerning spending a Campaign Point and tracing a path to a settlement. See Trading and Recruiting.

Exploration and Looting
Exploration happens only after a battle. If a warband fights no battles they loot instead gaining 1gc per Hero per CPV of the Primary and Defendable (not controlled) locations. Heroes who are sent to shop or recruit can not participate in looting.

Warbands which gained wyrdstone as part of a scenario should subtract the number of wyrdstone gained in the scenario from the amount found during exploration.

Retirement and Changing Warbands
A warband must be played for at least 5 battles or destruction (1/2 original member lost) before it can be retired and the player start a new warband.

Heroes who fill their XP chart will be retired.

Trade and Recruiting
In order to purchase rare items or recruit new warband members heroes must be sent to one of the 4 settlements outside of Mordheim during the looting or Exploration phases. The warband must spend 1CP per hero sent. The heroes must be able to trace a unobstructed path though Controlled or allied locations and known connections (shown on the players map) to the target settlement. The heroes sent will be unavailable in any "Rush to Defense" combats that turn. They will always return to the warband even if the path is cut off by other bands movement. If the settlement is the Primary location of an enemy warband it can not be used as a purchase location but it can be if it is Defendable, Controlled, or Unoccupied. Only one hero needs to be sent order to recruit any number of warriors, however each hero send (including a recruiting hero) only get 1 die roll for purchasing rares per turn.

Alliances and Truces
Warbands may form alliances. The details of benefits, sharing maps, moving against certain enemies, not moving into certain locations are up to the players forming the alliance. when 2 allied warbands meet in the same location they immediately declare a Truce. Good (Green) warbands may not form alliances with Bad (Red) warbands. In addition

There may be other restrictions. Take the fluff text and hired sword restrictions into account.

At any point of a battle the warbands involved may declare a truce and stop the battle. The fight ends (or never starts) and both bands move on to a shared exploration phase. Collectively the bands roll 1 die per pair of heroes one from each warband +1 more die. If one war band has more heroes they may roll a separate die alone for each unpaired hero. Any bad outcomes from multiples happen to both warbands (for instance if they discover a well and drink from it 1 warrior from each band drinks). Split all returns equally, selling items if needed. For good outcomes that do not have a monetary value roll each warband rolls a d6. The highest gets the benefit.

If a warband is attacked in a single location by multiple warbands the defender may choose to fight the enemy warbands seperatly or simultaneously. or any combination if there are more than 3 attackers. If the warband chooses to fight the attackers seperatly the defenders do not get a chance to resolve XP gains or heal between the battles, however they do get an exploration roll after each battle.

Roll for Random Happenings at the begining of each players turn.

Use the critical hit tables on the lamiated sheets i will bring. They might not be the best choice but i have 3 and they are laminted.

This method of starting is intended to insure that every warband fights on the first Campaign turn. Truces are not allowed on this turn because of the special nature of the placement of warbands. The first battles must have a clear winner and loser.

Warbands will arrive in Mordheim via one of the 4 settlements. Each player should inform the GM which settlement they start at (or if listed above at which interior location). The warband does not Control this location. Do not start more than 4 warbands in any settlement.

Then on the players map have each player mark in order of preference which Gate or Breach they wish to pass into Mordheim through. The GM should then place NPC warbands at any locations where only 1 player band tried to enter the city. Battles will be resolved at the Gate or Breaches as required using either the Breach the Wall Scenario or one of the Gate Scenarios (Giant Oak, King of the Gatehouse, or Ruined Gate). Winners take control of the appropriate location as their starting point. Resolve all 1st round battles before continuing.

Losers of a battle on the first round move to their second choice location. If the location is unoccupied they take control of the location without further combat. If the location is occupied resolve with a battle using the Camp Assault Scenario or Unawares Scenario with the occupying warband being the defender. Resolve all second round battles.

Winners of second round battles take control of the location, losers move to their third choice location. Play out the 3rd round just like the second. Preferably using the scenario that the losing band did not play in round 2.

If any warband has not taken control of a location at the end of round 3 they take control of the settlement. If for some reason there are two warbands at the settlement resolve with the Bar Room Brawl Scenario. A loser of the Bar Room Brawl moves to another settlement.

Game Flow

Additional Rules

Players may use the rules found in Power in the Stones. Which allows a wyrdstone to be appraised (20gc) rather than shopping and possibly used for its magic. This is restricted to certain warbands and has the potential to corrupt the ser.

We will be using some weather rules. The current season is Spring. The season will advance every three campaign turns.

Hired Swords and Dramatis Personae
Right now just the offical ones. See the faq.

To Do
Add Sewers/map

Campaign stuff: Crown of jewels. Undead rising. Daemon.
Mounted from Nemesis Crown

Minis needed:

Ogre HS
Fire marker
Chaos Spawn
Pit fighter
Sigmarite matricarch
Plauge victims
Possed warband (Kris)
Sigmarite warband (kris or Ron)
Dwarves (Ron)