The Ruined Gate The Ruined Gate The Ruined Gate
The Ruined Gate

Entering the city near what was once a gate two warbands look for a defensible structure just inside the gate, and stir up potential trouble.


On a 4'x4' battlefield run a road at least 3" wide from East to West across the center of the table. At the Western end is a ruined gatehouse. It should be mainly a large pile of rubble, the old passage through it completely blocked and the gatehouse no longer in shape to be a defensible structure. Wrecked and ruined walls run north and south from the gate house. There should only be about 3-4" between the wall and the edge of the board. The ruins of the gatehouse should extend entirely to the western edge. North of the road a single large building should be setup just East of center and just to its west a graveyard of at least 12" x 12" with at least on crypt. The players may take turns placing ruins in the rest of the board, except for the portions West of the wall. Ruins should not be tall or substantial, more cover than anything else. The Temple should stand out as the only truly defensible building.

Special Rules

The Walls count as rough terrain. The gatehouse as impassable terrain.

There is also a thick fog on the ground. Visibility is limited to 6 inches at the start of the battle. At the start of each TURN add 1d6 as the fog gradually lifts.

The graveyard has been taken over by a Pack of Ghouls, that are just on the verge of becoming a real threat. Each warband should roll a D3+1 for the number of ghouls present. The Ghouls will start inside the crypt in the graveyard, hidden from view. They will attack any warrior entering the graveyard but once activated will attack any warrior within charge range. Treat the ghouls as a warband with the appropriate route test for their numbers. When the ghoul route they will all move to the closest edge and attempt to exit the board.


Players should roll a D6 the player with the highest roll sets up North of the gatehouse. They may setup on the wall or West of it. The other player sets up the same south of the gatehouse.

Starting the Game

The defender (north side) player goes first.

Ending the Game

When one warband routes or when at the end of the opponents turn on warband occupies the temple and there are no enemy models (including ghouls) within 6" of the temple.

+1 Survives. If a hero or henchman groups survives the battle, they gain +1 experience.
+1 Winning Leader. The leader of the winning warband gains +1 experience.
+1 Per enemy out of action. Any Hero earn +1 experience for each enemy he puts out of action.

Campaign Rules
-1 Killing a Ghoul. A warband loses 1 Fanatic Hatred Point for killing a ghoul making the citizens of Mordheim safer
+1 Scattering the Ghouls. The winning warband gains 1 Fanatic Hatred Point for every Ghoul that exits the board and starts to prey on the citizens.
+2 Stirring up the Ghouls. Both warbands gain 2 Fanatic Hatred Points each if they both route before the Ghouls, who for their own warband and become a major threat.

If the Ghouls are the last warband to route they become a permanent presence in Mordheim. One of the Ghouls develops into a Ghouls Chieftain and the band starts to grow. Write up a Pack of Ghouls warband as an NPC band and start it at this location.

An alternative is to drop the Ghouls and start the Defender warband in the graveyard. This works well if the defender is an undead warband.
Page by Shawn Moore
Last modified: 11/10/2015 04:08:00.