King of The Gatehouse King of The Gatehouse King of The Gatehouse
King of The Gatehouse

Gatehouse are often small fortesses and make good defense structures. A warband who occupies one can control access to and from the city.


A wall wide enough for a model to stand on it, but not more than 2" should run across the board apr 18" from one edge. Centered on the wall should be a gatehouse with a passage at least 5" wide through it. The gatehouse should have a roof that is large enough for several warriors to occupy it. At least one stair/ladder should lead to the top of the gatehouse on the interior (side closet to the map edge) side. The wall does does not need to be contiguous or solid andcan be in a ruined state. It highest points should be either 1/2 the height of the gatehouse or whatever looks natrual. Players take turns placing ruins on the interior side, no closer than 3" to the gatehouse but they may place them up against the wall. No ruins should be taller than the roof of the gatehouse. Players then take turns placing outdoor terrain (hills, trees, etc). on the exterior side.

Special Rules

Crossing sections of unruined wall require a ladder or rope and hook. Ruined sections of wall require a climb roll and count as rough terrain. The wall line can be crossed thorugh the gatehouse passage without any penalties. Warriors on the roof of the gatehouse may attack warriors in the gatehouse passage with missle weapons even though the floor seems solid (it is full of murder holes). Those in the passage can not return fire.

Instead of attacking with a weapon any warrior in close combat with another warrior on top of the wall or gatehouse may make a to hit roll on the to hit table at thier S vs the defenders T. A sucessful roll pushes the enemy 1" directly away from the attackers model. If the defender is forced to move to a point where the model can not stand it falls off the wall taking the appropriate damage. Models can be pushed over obstacles 1" in height or less.


Each player rolls a dice. The player with the highest roll chooses which side to setup on along the side perpendicular to the interior edge. The other player sets up on the oppisite edge. Players may setup anywhere within 8" of their edge and on the exterior side of the wall.

Starting the Game

Start as normal.

Ending the Game

When one warband routes or one warband has at least one model on the roof of the gatehouse and their are no enemy models withing 6" of the gatehouse.

+1 Survives. If a hero or henchman groups survies the battle, they gain +1 experience.
+1 Winning Leader. The leader of the winning warband gains +1 experience.
+1 Per enemy out of action. Any Hero earn +1 experience for each enemy he puts out of action. This does not apply if that model went out of action because of falling damage from a successful push, instead the Hero gets XP from Throw them down (ie. he doesnt get 2 XP for pushing an enemy out of action).
+1 King of the Gatehouse. The hero who occupies the center of (or reasonable closest to) the roof of the gatehouse at the end of the game can earn +1 experience.
+1 Throw them down. A hero earn +1 XP for each enemy model he successfully pushes off the wall or gatehouse.

Campaign Rules
This scenario can be played with different starting areas if it make more sense based on warband campaign movements.
Page by Shawn Moore
Last modified: 11/10/2015 04:07:58.