New Feeding Rules
At the beginning of each game session each player will be required to
consult the feeding narrator to represent their characters normal feeding
between sessions. The narrator will determine if a feeding challange is
conduct the challange and determine the results. If nessacry the narrator will
rolepaly a scene with the character. The narrator will determine of a
challange is needed by a comparison of the charcters feeding traits vs the
traits of the area in which the character is feeding.
The same process will be used for any in game feeding for excess blood beyond
that needed for nightly survival (including Tremere schemes for getting large amounts of blood).
Charaters Traits
+1 per Social Trait (Status does not count)
+1 per point of Herd
+1 per every two levels of Presence or Dominate (round down)
-2 for Selective Digestion or if Ventrue
Area Traits
- Base 1-5 depending on population Density, 1 more most heavily populated.
Determined from appropriate maps.
- +1 -5 depending on income level, 1 being the lowest income.
Determined from appropriate maps.
- Divide above by 2 if the area is the characters personal domain.
Additional modifiers:
+4 if heavily patrolled (additional police protection, gated community, campus)
subtract 1 from this for every point of herd if feeding in ones own domain.
+2 for each Vampire that has fed in the are already this evening. A character
feeding in his own domain is always assumed to be the first to feed in the are in a night
unless special circumstances apply or this is for additional blood.