Benne bint Rotko the Woodcarver
Disaju bint Yikkwe the Glassblower
Okwast ibn Dahfe the Thatcher
Metsu bint Kudnu the Saltboiler
Oyilz ibn Hikhomo the Horner
Okikgh ibn Ufinn the Pawnbroker
Owefgh ibn Argikw the Weaver
Bizosho bint Tihde the Shipwright
Nokwsi bint Ekhedk the Quartermaster
Ghegsho bint Ujkar the Marshal
Duzdu bint Shesre the Cartwright
Temith ibn Jalam the Userer
Jighihi bint Thakhuk the Pitch maker
Uthansh ibn Kwikusu the Woodcarver
Onmush ibn Ahzegh the Cook
Thiniru bint Mebni the Carter
Zighase bint Godtho the Singer
Yitug ibn Khiluze the Luthier
Thitumi bint Zunij the Miller
Thekhre bint Ujogn the Hay Merchant
Irgak ibn Jujmu the Roofer
Ogwom ibn Okwbas the Professor
Ojhug ibn Gimidi the Tailor
Kwidozo bint Hakaz the Smith
Ulebn ibn Itmikh the Navigator
Wamat ibn Wighole the Marshal
Lusghi bint Ikokg the Cook
Awelm ibn Kosho the Fortune-Teller
Zikwona bint Wifobo the Beer-seller
Oghfakw ibn Fokwghu the Sage
Hiluwi bint Shimlo the Illuminator
Tinese bint Ukwsuh the Boatman
Edakwg ibn Imsej the Scribe
Ifthig ibn Rimej the Fortune-Teller
Sishikwa bint Godor the Armourer
Hobfo bint Akhzoth the Horn herd
Rahghe bint Simir the Farmer
Khusuf ibn Gokdu the Ferrier
Theblo bint Shikwekwi the Privycleaner
Atoshn ibn Sukza the Fortune-Teller
Boste bint Yamfi the Longshoreman
Ritofa bint Shakhkwo the Shoe Maker
Uzfat ibn Ghibitu the Candlemaker
Yefuk ibn Ajoshgh the Watercarrier
Firkhu bint Gizebu the Cooper
Atliw ibn Lijimo the Crier
Hesar ibn Khughaz the Navigator
Inhugh ibn Khetor the Sadler
Khuhnu bint Ruhor the Goat herd
Disheka bint Kwikomo the Winemaker