Gheghor ibn Wowho the Winemaker
Emigt ibn Kothmi the Innkeeper
Shehkho bint Yillo the Painter
Osughsh ibn Imakhkh the Cabinet Maker
Kelin ibn Ulgik the Carter
Khimali bint Mofokh the Shipchandler
Bikhisu bint Gifkwo the Watercarrier
Thiboke bint Wikhinu the Chandler
Shubfo bint Wajwe the Thatcher
Zenuk ibn Idikwz the Arkwright
Jusokh ibn Hehru the Woodcarver
Kheghgi bint Okukf the Dyer
Heghud ibn Khirikhu the Glassblower
Khokwikw ibn Sukda the Armourer
Thijwo bint Azabz the Falconer
Orton ibn Yelaj the Leadworker
Ilfoj ibn Emkwaw the Beer-seller
Kaman ibn Awlakh the Spurrier
Tusje bint Akjiw the Maidservant
Olwah ibn Olabgh the Vinter
Otenr ibn Kidmu the Locksmith
Yofez ibn Kitug the Shoe Maker
Jamdi bint Ozitl the Pilot
Ajmis ibn Khighigh the Astrologer
Diwja bint Khoshlo the Bricklayer
Khadik ibn Yagbo the Luthier
Keshho bint Ayuzk the Rugmaker
Ubthus ibn Irefl the Teacher
Jigama bint Ranthe the Flower Merchant
Kwojkhu bint Rojak the Longshoreman
Yuthe bint Akhwon the Pilot
Allekh ibn Ejonh the Crier
Bimok ibn Lishsha the Clerk
Bekhbo bint Oyuwgh the Horner
Ighfakw ibn Kwakkwo the Barber
Kizesh ibn Ghaskwi the Potter
Iththum ibn Wezti the Judge
Sikigi bint Thohak the Miller
Jisogu bint Ghoghi the Slaver
Ghetghu bint Rojum the Midwife
Atsogh ibn Jisunu the Abbot
Riluthe bint Akwghuk the Mercenary
Mikwiba bint Solom the Fish Smoker
Kwirete bint Azzad the Jeweler
Enkwib ibn Egmid the Engraver
Oghugj ibn Udatkh the Gravedigger
Agwug ibn Bakju the Tavern keeper
Hokwed ibn Mikwile the Bargeman
Ubawth ibn Lenso the Armourer
Niszu bint Diguku the Bather