Uhadkh ibn Ekwigkw the Professor
Shitido bint Wihohe the Woodcutter
Nighuwo bint Ogghas the Stonecarver
Wakhih ibn Yuwru the Taxidermist
Kwinthi bint Wohwi the Astrologer
Thakogh ibn Widuf the Scholor
Ehethl ibn Gekhge the Grocer
Yeshju bint Bozro the Jester
Ifmib ibn Hikeghu the Watchman
Isshush ibn Lithti the Weaver
Azeghg ibn Ithsef the Plasterer
Zihez ibn Abjeh the Privycleaner
Yomno bint Hisoba the Thatcher
Uthbig ibn Shimikha the Goldsmith
Yobto bint Weftho the Rope Maker
Igtukh ibn Kanal the Cook
Obtuth ibn Ekaghkh the Dyer
Igsuh ibn Zuglu the Surgeon
Kihukh ibn Shomeh the Liner
Kheghdo bint Shototh the Clothier
Worshi bint Isolk the Lighterman
Lashath ibn Oritm the Fox Trainer
Ethlah ibn Hirgha the Bowyer
Ghushul ibn Rujgu the Clerk
Shujda bint Nemaj the Bowyer
Yubno bint Ejwuz the Liner
Fathu bint Fagse the Leatherworker
Lakhmi bint Jihofe the Bather
Hoskwi bint Thonef the Pursemaker
Onukhn ibn Jawho the Jeweler
Mizolu bint Hifutu the Goat herd
Ukwinr ibn Ghewah the Baker
Somle bint Kwinkhe the Woodseller
Kalkwe bint Shifoj the Pursemaker
Jikwire bint Wiwawe the Painter
Ghirose bint Waghgha the Winemaker
Hikugh ibn Jikwtho the Beer-seller
Otajj ibn Umefkh the Woodcutter
Otasgh ibn Kitih the Cabinet Maker
Thohha bint Izkhoh the Servant
Ikwsit ibn Ghalkha the Fletcher
Sighida bint Hisifa the Gravedigger
Ekkogh ibn Nudsho the Goldsmith
Ghafaf ibn Ghasga the Jeweler
Fokhkho bint Khithashe the Farmer
Ighwaz ibn Lotthi the Mummer
Khimmo bint Niragha the Spurrier
Wozmi bint Ubsukh the Boarding House Owner
Rarob ibn Ijbom the Midwife
Thitufo bint Jafza the Pastry Maker