Generates use names for Dwarves. Based on Dwarf names from Tolkien. These rules are not applied to non-dwarfs (Tharkun, Mahal). Need to do Norse dwarf names with similar rules

Name: Terin
Pattern: 2
Root: T-R-N

Current Patterns
PatternRoot FormBasic FormExamplesNotes
Pattern 1C+L+0C + [or|il|iml] + iDori, Dili
Pattern 2C+C+nC + V + C + inDain (C+V+0+in) , Dundin, Dulin (C+V+C+in) , Urin (0+V+r+in), Uin (0+V+0+in)
Pattern 3b+[f|mb]+rb + [i|o]+ [f,mb]+ urBomburThis needs expansion, not enough options
Pattern 4D + 0 + r + or D+r+or Nror-or is a naming suffix

Proposed patterns
Pattern 1: (C) + Liquid + 0 -> (C) + [or|il] + i: Dori, Dili
Pattern 2: (C)(C)+ (C) + n -> (C)(C)V(C)in: Dain, Dundin, Dulin, Durin, Urin, Uin
Pattern 3: b + C(C) + r -> b[i|o][f|mb]ur: Bifur
Pattern 4: C + r + r -> Cror: Dror

C = [f,g,n,th,r,d,b,m,t,s,sh,k,g,f,fr,gr,gl,thr,dw,ZERO]
D = [f,g,n,th,d,b,m,t,s,sh,k,g]
V = [a,e,o,u]
M = [nd,l,ml,f,g,n,th,r,d,b,m,t,s,sh,k,g,fr,gr,gl,thr,dw,ZERO]
L = liquid of some type