Dwarven Consonants

Place Of Articulation

Manner of Articulation Labial (lips) Dental (teeth) Palatovelar (palate/roof of mouth) Glottal (vocal folds)
Bilabial Labio-dental Inter-dental Alveo-lar Alveo-palatal Palatal Velar  
Stops: Voiceless       t  

k  k<h>

Stops: Voiced b     d  

g   g<h>

Fricatives: Voiceless  









Affricates: Voiceless              








Semivowels               w  
This chart uses the Usenet suggested IPA ASCII

k<h>: repesents an aspirated k, as at the beginning of the English word "kick" vs an unaspirated k at the end of the word. To Dwarves two k sounds are seperate phonemes.

Dwarves only use the 5 basic vowels:
These vowels vary in length. A long vowel will be held twice as long as a short one. Dwarven

Cirth Number Phonetic Transcription English Equivalant Sound
2 b tab
3 f fill
6 m mill
7 mb  
8 t tat
9 d tad
10 T (th) thigh
12 r rill
15 S (sh) shlling
17 z godzilla
18 k pick
19 g pig
22 n nil
31 l lily
33 nd and
34 h hill
35 ? (glottol stop) Oh oh!
44 w will
54 s sill
59 aspiration  
18,59 k<h> kill
19,59 g<h> gill


 Unrounded Rounded
 FrontCentralBack FrontCentralBack
High i (tense)beat  i" (reduced lax)chicken         u (tense)shoe
Semi High I (lax)bit           U (lax)put
Upper Middle e (tense)bait           o (tense)boat
Middle    @sofa          boy
Low Middle E (lax)bet    V (lax)but        Ocaught
Low  & (lax)ash  apark (Boston) A (lax)pot        



All roots have the form of RX - R - RY where:

  • "j", "?" may only occur medially in the pattern "fleeting o"-C-"fleeting o". The "fleeting o" is dropped if any other vowel exists in that position.
  • "f" may only occur initially or finally in the patterns: f-"fleeting o" or "fleeting o"-f. The "fleeting o" is dropped if any other vowel exists in that position.

    Word Formation

    All words are formed from stems of consonants consisting of 3 radicals see roots. These roots are not pronouncable words by themselves but used to derive denotational words by the insertation of vowels, doubling of a consonant, and addition of prefixes and suffixes.

    Words are inflected by internal vowel changes, the radicals of the root remaining the same (subject only to assimilation).

    Parts of Speech


    1. In association with an aproximat or nasal all fricatives assimilate to z.
    2. In association with any other consonant nasals assimilate to the point of articulation of the other consonant.
    3. In association with an voiced consonant, nasal or aproximant voice a voiceless consonant.

    Phonological Constraints

    "f", "j" and "?" do not occur in consonant clusters, the "fleeting o" appears if during inflection they would become part of a consonant cluster.

    X = Any consonant except "j" and "?" + any aproximant.

    Y =

    1. Any nasal + Any consonant except "f", "j", and "?".
    2. Any aproxamant + Any consonant except "f", "j", and "?".
    3. Any stop + Any Fricative except "f".

    R = X, Y, or any single consonant except "f"

    RX = X or any single consonant except "j" and "?".

    RY = Y or any single consonant except "j" and "?".

    	+-             -+         +-             -+
    	|+-  -+         |         |+-          -+ |
    	|| RX |1        |         || R + V + RY | |
    	|+-  -+         |         || Y + (V)    |1| 
    	|+ -         -+ |  + V +  |+-          -+ |
    	|| (V) + X    | |         |+-    -+       |
    	|| RX + V + R |2|         || RY   |2      |
    	| +-	     -+ |         |+-    -+       |
    	+-             -+         +-             -+

    Cases nom/acc/gen animate and locations erg/abs/pos items ergative case: Subject of transative verbs absolutive case: Subject of intranative verbs and objects of transative verbs dative: indirect objects, objects of certain verbs locative: in or on genative: possession nomnative: subject prepositional: w certain preps vocative: direct address Gender: Animate Locations Itmes Abstracts
    Verbs Tense Perfection- Completed action Aspects- ongoing, single, habitual, repeated Mood- indicative, subjunctive, negative, imperative Transative, Intransative, Reflexive Static vs dynamic ride vs mount, reside ve settle deference (Japanesse) Person Number
    Personal pronouns by gender in all persons not just 1st singluar, dual, plural inclusive and exclusive we politeness presence of 3rd persons real and hypothetical
    Adjectives comparative and superlative un-, -able, -less, -full, -phile, -phobe, -er, -an -ian, -ese, -ish adverb -ly
    Noun phrase order Sentance order SVO etc Question formation, how to form yes no question How to negate a sentance Conjunctions: XY-que vel X vel Y (both X and Y) or (X or Y) aut X aut Y either X or Y
    Politeness 2nd person address, or title, caste