2nd Session Notes 2nd Session Notes 2nd Session Notes
Present Lionel calls us back to the tether. There is a Panama jack type guy standing at the tether. Lionel doesn't know why he is here. He is Alexander Kincaid. He is looking for a guy with robes tucked into his pants.

We explain the problem to Alexander.

He gives Zaciriel a case of clothing his size.

We all get 2 XP
Alexander has a car.

The correspondence: letters between 8 members referring to the master plan. There are a number of Sutherlands not converted Osirah and Sarah. A. is referred to as protecting them.

  • Isaiah
  • Jebediah
  • Hezikiel
  • Uriah
  • Mordecai
  • Ezekiel
  • Zacharias
  • Boaz
  • Anna
  • Ruth
  • Delilah

    All of those people live in the same house. Osirah and Sara also live at the same house.
    John and Samuel are involved but do not live at the house. We walk to the car it is a big convertible. We drive to Mr. Cheese's house of pies. We order blueberry, banana cream and pork pies. All arrive as pork pies. Zaciriel uses I tell you 3 times on the waitress to tell her that it is not a banana cream pie. She takes the pie away and returns with another pork. She is able to provide real bananas and blueberries. Alexander checks on the waitresses social position with his Resonance.

    Ariel is at the super 8. she reads the report.

    Davis and Mariel order from Rothsteins.

    We go back to the hotel. Someone is sitting in the room. It is Ariel. She was sent by Nashur. Introductions are made.

    The tooth was hidden so that no one could identify the bodies.

    We all return to the hotel. Tell what we have found.

    Go to the graveyard. Mordecai's tomb opens easily for Zaciriel. There is a body with no teeth. The body is hidden there so that the casket had weight. Same with Esther.

    Zebulon was the most recent to die. In 95. It opens easily. Body is dessicated and stiff, could be an older version of the photoed Zebulon. The true name of the person in the casket is Joseph Sutherland. His relationship to his family keep him in chains his whole life. The last joint of each finger is cut of. Under his head are 10 finger bones, with no skin unlike the rest of Joseph. Finger were removed at time of death.

    Davis is given orders than no one is to be dug up from the graveyard.
    Mariel is told to find a way to dig up Osirah and Sarah. They go to town, get bolt cutters, break into the shed and dig up Osirah an Sarah. It is not Osirah, but it is Sara. She is not a person but he is. They are brother and sister.