Aerocosmos Office (AO)
Aerojet Department (AD)
Aerojet Office (AO)
Aerojet Organization of the KSSR (AOOTK)
Aeronautics Authority of the Mun (AAOTM)
Aeronautics Program of Keropa (APOK)
Aerotech Board of Keropa (ABOK)
Aerotech Center (AC)
Aerotech Laboratories of Kerbin (ALOK)
Astrobiotic Office of Krussia (AOOK)
Astronautic Organization of Kerbin (AOOK)
Atomic Rocket Command of the KSSR (ARCOTK)
Atomic Rocket Lab of Keropa (ARLOK)
Ballistic Division of the Mun (BDOTM)
Board of Microgravity of Keropa (BOMOK)
Board of Orbital Sciences of Duna (BOOSOD)
Board of Rocket ship Research of Duna (BORSROD)
Bureau of Orbital Motion of Krussia (BOOMOK)
Center for Atomic Rocket of Duna (CFAROD)
Center for Orbital Development of Duna (CFODOD)
Commission on Aerotech Research of Kerea (COAROK)
Commission on Robotics of Duna (COROD)
Committee for Aerospace Sciences of the Mun (CFASOTM)
Committee for Kethane Exploration of Duna (CFKEOD)
Committee for Robotic Technologies (CFRT)
Committee for Zero Gravity (CFZG)
Deep Space Service (DSS)
Department for Atomic Rocket of Kerbin (DFAROK)
Department for Launch Development (DFLD)
Department for Microgravity (DFM)
Department for Strato of Keropa (DFSOK)
Department of Aerocosmos Research of Kerea (DOAROK)
Department of Space Research of Krussia (DOSROK)
Division of Astronautic (DOA)
Division of Heavy Lift Exploration of Kerea (DOHLEOK)
Division of Offworld Defense of Kerea (DOODOK)
Division of Rocket ship Defense (DORSD)
Division of Space Defense of Kerea (DOSDOK)
Division of Star Motion of Kerea (DOSMOK)
Heavy Lift Agency (HLA)
Heavy Lift Force (HLF)
Homeworld Institute for Launch Moving Parts (HIFLMP)
Homeworld Rocket ship Command (HRSC)
Institute for Offworld Development of Krussia (IFODOK)
International Board of Space Defense (IBOSD)
International Organization of Star Exploration (IOOSE)
Kerasian Office of Energetics (KOOE)
Kerasian Organization of Orbital Sciences (KOOOS)
Kerasian Strato Institute (KSI)
Kerbal Microgravity Laboratories (KML)
Kerbal Ministry of Space Activities (KMOSA)
Kerbal Space Research Agency (KSRA)
Kerbali Board of Space Probe Technologies (KBOSPT)
Kerbin Star Service (KSS)
Kerean Astrobiotic Department (KAD)
Kerean Star Agency (KSA)
Kerean Terminal Velocity Administration (KTVA)
Keropean Rocket ship Command (KRSC)
Kethane Committee of Krussia (KCOK)
Khoviet Reaction Engines Directorate (KRED)
Ministry of Jet Propulsion of Keropa (MOJPOK)
Ministry of Orbital Moving Parts (MOOMP)
Ministry of Rocket Plane Motion (MORPM)
Ministry of Rocketry of Keropa (MOROK)
Ministry of Stellar Defense (MOSD)
Ministry of Stellar Moving Parts (MOSMP)
Munar Agency for Rocket Plane Technologies (MAFRPT)
Munar Ballistic Department (MBD)
Munar Cosmonautics Laboratories (MCL)
Munar Institute for Microgravity (MIFM)
Munar Office of Space Activities (MOOSA)
Munar Space Activities Command (MSAC)
National Office for Terminal Velocity (NOFTV)
National Remote Sensing Commission (NRSC)
Office of Aerotech Defense of the KSSR (OOADOTK)
Offworld Authority of Kerea (OAOK)
Orbital Administration of the KSSR (OAOTK)
Orbital Bureau of Keropa (OBOK)
Orbital Sciences Division of Kerea (OSDOK)
Orbital Sciences Laboratories of Keropa (OSLOK)
Organization of Satellite Systems of the Mun (OOSSOTM)
Planetary Organization of Keropa (POOK)
Remote Sensing Board of Kerea (RSBOK)
Robotics Department (RD)
Robotics Laboratories of Kerbin (RLOK)
Robotics Laboratories of Krussia (RLOK)
Rocket Administration of Krussia (RAOK)
Rocket Laboratories of Eve (RLOE)
Rocket Plane Board of Krussia (RPBOK)
Rocket Plane Office (RPO)
Satellite Systems Office of Keropa (SSOOK)
Satellite Systems Service (SSS)
Space Activities Organization of Kerea (SAOOK)
Space Defense Department of Duna (SDDOD)
Space Exploration Committee of Kerea (SECOK)
Space Exploration Service of Eve (SESOE)
Star Department (SD)
Star Lab of Duna (SLOD)
Stellar Bureau of Keropa (SBOK)
United Ministry of Orbital Technologies (UMOOT)
United Space Commission (USC)