Glovedcudgels "Cestusmulco"

Parent Civ:The Hall of Ink
270 dwarves, 3 sites, north east. Group:Novusauthenticum "the young artifact"
Region:The Praireies of Growth, The Eviserated Continent of Crews

Searched for untamed wilds, normal evil, flux, iron no light aquifer. Found area with 3 biomes: Mirthful Temp conifer forest on east, a terrifying shrubland on west and a wilderness shrubland on north. wilderness has light aquifer others are clear. Iton, gold, silver, coppoer, nickel, zinc, platiumun, lead flux Elves and goblins nearby


Year 300
Immedataly attacked by a giant grasshopper corpse. Thankfully was able to kill it. Woodcutter killed himself. It rains abhorrent slush o nthe southeast of the map Hit aquifer at +33, surface is +48. Extensive outer defenses.

Year 301
TRached the 1st cavern layer with a large wide cavern at +23. large depost of gold on +4. More caverns and magma opn +1 moutians creed wants a temple
Hit magma sea at -28, and broke into it, lost a miner and pick

Year 302
Game keeps crashing. Lovebird corpses destroyed the elven cravan.

Year 303
A weregopher. Killed a dog and a solider. No infectd.
Goblins. only 5 of them and after 4 hit cage traps in the woods the others retreated. FB Thudel Githuespir Devsen Sitsu a gigantic sauropod w fire. Its in the second cavern and shouldny be able to get to us. Ketas has claimed the position of law-giver of the Delightful Confederacies. No idea what that means. He is a human here to eradicate mosntes who never entered the caverns

Year 304
Goblins ar eback
Massive invasionof Reptile men. lsot 7 before the gate was sealed. Lovebird attacks.
Goblns are iback, it sbeen constnat war since the reptile men. They die quickly but more lovevird corpses interfear with the clean up. FB Snodub Ebrarusmo a noseless capybara with deadly dust. Also on cavern 2. Reptile men are still around and havent had a chance ti imporve defenses. Down to 52 from 77 dwarves. Somehow a goblin got into the tower and killed a dog, maybe the puppies but the live birds might have done that. In the chaos lost all the female dogs. Increaed the military to 30.
FB Vispol Siti Dasult, a giganic one-eyed eagle w noxious secretions. Cavern 1 , hopefull it will kil the reptile men. We climbed our wn wall and had to gout and kill it. Down to 45. FB Catarrhus Conliciamucus a quadreped of vlakc diamond with a poisonous sting. More reptile men. Elves want us to stop chopping trees. F them. Mornon dwarves keep jumping down into the caverns into the mass of reptile men and dying. Retireing the fort. The position of the reptile men is screwing everything and i cant do anything to get rid of them.