Edemsiknug "Keydwelling"

Parent Civ:The Occult Diamond (provides 2 horses)
Region:The feverish Jungle on the edge of the Umbrak Hill, The Regal Land

4x4 embark in a Haunted Temperate Conifer forest. Has a stream, shallow asnd, light quifer, iron, silver, copper, flux.


Group: The Urns of Wrath
Year 250
Got surface fort built and intial dig done. Everything moved inside but gates not linked. Eliminated by and undead sturgeon.

Group:Asasimush "The Rapid Dike"
Year 250
Placed wagon on top of previous fort. Skeletons around but not inside fort. Three dwarves eliminated gong outside. The rest by a zombie boar just into summer before the exterior could be secured.