Logemsethel "Paintedspider"

Group: The Clasp of Fellowship
Symbol:: Painted Spider of Ancients. A phantom Spider.
Parent Civ: The Grooved Daggers
Region: The Crystalline Land, The Glowingdunes

3x3 Low savagry, high evil, light aquifer, shallow & deep metal, litle soil generates a patch of sites nearly center of the map surrounding what looks like a salt sea in the middle of a Tropical coniferous forest close to the Grooved Daggers Civ. Sinister terrain only at the top of the emabrk.


Year 201
Arrived the day before winter stared. Constructed aquifer works but hit damp stone when bulding the 3x4 downstair block. Its a light aquifer to tried peircing without all the labor. Upper fort outer walls done, got the main bridge linked but used too much gabbro in construction so no mechanisms for other gates.

Year 202
A flock of albatross corpses attack, all our defenses are useless and the enter the under fort before we can react. Luckily they are easily dispatched by hand. Roofing the fort over before continuing. Lost the mason Reached rock witohut having to use screw pumps. Started digging fiorst rock layer.
Completed level 1. Expanded the surface works. Plantworks running. Second level dug. Stoneworks running. Lost a miner do to surface collapse to remove a tree that wouldnt go away

Another albatross attack. We have some weapons now so easily destroyed them. A giant migrant wave, 25 dwarves.
Year 203
Enclosed the pasture so yaks wont run from albatrosses. Established a second squad, but no weapons.
9 more migrants. We struck tetrahedrite. Trapper created Agash Egnom an olive wood earing. compelted metalworks
9 more migrants. A Thrall makes and lime wood ring, Nulrallakal Arfazis. Started rebuilding inner walls with baslalt We had a suspicious death earlier, but now the doctor has been found drained of blood. A Demon of Apap flies overhead. And a werebuffalo at the same time shows up. 3 threats all at once. The demon is killed and the werebufflo is locked out. I think the vampire is the guy just elected mayer, he has a dozen dwarf kills. Lots of kids are being born.
One of the Food guild got werebuffalo infection and is now running berserk. He was killed but there are many otential casualties.

Totlly screwed. A craftworker is infected and didnt get the isolation chambers built in time. He is on the lower levels and no way to seal everyone off. Down to 15 dwarves before he is killed. I think the last bitten dwarf bled todeath so no one else is infected.
Year 204
Full moon passes with no further werebeasts. 20 more migrants arrive. Still making coffins.
9 more migrants. A kid made a lime wood amulet.
Accidently collaped the citidel roof killing a swarf and injuring others while replaceing it in stone. A lime wood figuring is made. All the artifacts seem to be lime wood for some reason. Built a tavern.

The Giant Darala Lyesali Atile has come. It dies easily and leave us two artifacts.
Year 205
20 more migrants despite danger. Expanded the main stair through the aquifer. Rebuilt the citidel. Ran out of coal.
A vile force of darkness has arrived. After some shot from the tower the camped in the tavern. Sealing thge fort off means we are out of charcoal. Assembled the military at the main gate and will open it to slaugher them. We sally forth from the gate a slaughter them right outside the tavern with no loses.

Decided to put in a well and underground pasture using water from the aquifer. Will also drain the moat.
Finally a non-lime wood artifact, a Thral made a spahlerate sceptre Finally reached caverns. Aquifer is not filling the well at all. Its to slow. Having trouble draing the moat cant get a floodgate installed.
A werezebra has come. We stop it outside, it kills a few and maybe infects one guy. He is too weak to get to the hospital but is inside the outer wall. Next cycle is on 12/02
Year 206
No werezebras. One injured. The goblins are back. Allowed a wave of goblins in the main gate. Lost 4 dwarves and a lot of war dogs. Killed 5 goblins. 31 to go. Morons. Put the military well back from the gate, opened it and the ran out beating the goblins. Had to close the gate trapping three outside. Well crap part of the fort is in a ressurecting area. One of our dead came back to life. Down to 7 goblins but 36 dwarves. Let them in the lower level to hit the traps, which they wont enter. killed the last goblin and a migration wave of 19 showed up immediatly. Was down to 33 dwarves. All new migrants assigned to cleanup. Need to review defense.

7 more migrants. Back up to 67 dwarves. Sending the Sacrifial Thralls and the Strategic Irons to raze a nearby Goblin Cave, Gorecracked the stong holes.
Well alomst done, Defenes well improved. We looted treasure from the Golbins and rampaged throughout thier fort. They broght back little of value, some rope, quivers, backbacks etc.
Year 207
Goblins return. Elimimated 13 goblins with only 5 losses. Well is dug and conected to river. Floodgate currently closed allowing the aquifer to fill the area. Another werezebra. He appeared right in the moat. This is a major problem. Captured the werezebra in a cage. No one else was infected but lost three dwarves. More migrants
Sedning a massive expedition to the Dark Goblni pts of Terrorites to raze it. The cage werewolf broke out when trying to sell it to the humans. 8 posibly infected, some dead. Bad. Raiders returned. Didnt do very well. 4 citizens turned in werezebra.
The fort is collapsing. Cant drain the moat. Not even trying to stop the werezebra. Flooded most the map. Set everyone to be a miner or recovery. Down to 10. Down to one injured dwarf unable to move next to a werezebra corpse, 2 kids and a caged werezebra. So more migrant show up. Abandoning the fort.