Onra Kajeth "The World of Griffons" Onra Kajeth "The World of Griffons" Onra Kajeth "The World of Griffons"

Generated in v.044.12. Played with worldgen some and made a new world. No oceans, poles at both ends. Only let it run 200 years.

There are 8 dwarven civilzations.

No mods seem to be installed.
Regenerated the world with the same world gen parameters and seed. 200 years of history. Made standard mod to make all underground plants grow year long.

Starting in Glazedpilars can't export legends and load them in the viewer anymore. World might be bugged.

Regened the world with the same parameters but start year is now 228. World entered Second Age of Myth. Made standard mod to make all underground plants grow year long


  • Zimadil "Crestwalled". Killed by a horse corpse.
  • Sanusmomuz "Auburncrypts". Retired due to FPS
  • Ushillokum "Iceyspear". Killed by reanimating dead.
  • Sakzultherleth "Trumpetsnakes". Multiple attempts. Killed by undead.
  • Limulgiken "Goldenlightning". Retired

    Forts 0.47.05

  • Zasitzocol "Knifecovens". Killed by a grim butcher.
  • Logemsethel "Paintedspider". Self inflicted death
  • Riseblogem "Coalpainted". Overun by undead from a nearby tower.
  • Fikodobok "Glazedpillars". Retired after 12 years.
  • Riseblogem "Coalpainted" Reclaim.
  • Ransackedhammers "Vudtharnil" Overun by undead from above, magma crabs from below.

    Regened the world and started at 228

  • Flickertrumpet "Nelssakzul". Delved too deep. Didnt secure the mine cart shaft.
  • Soothedpaddled "Bunemiden" Overrun by undead, left a mine shaft unsecured.
  • Spinesdaggers