Mountainwandered "Onollegon"

Group: The Fiery Mines
Symbol:Dumatabansolon, "The Rough Constructive Flag". An image of a hake (a fish):.
Parent Civ: The Lanterns of Meeting
Region: The Dark Steppes, The Strategic Continent

Founded right in the middle of an evil steppe next to a set of cataracts, as a link between the forts of the civilization on either side of the area. Iron, coal, flux expected.


Year 1977
Setup at the confluence of 3 streams just down stream of a set of cataracts. Since two of the streams are in canyons only had to wall in part of the peninsula. No undead noticed at first but plenty of fish and aquatic life. Attacked by an eagle corpse soon after getting underground. Walled in the surface with Glumprong. Discovered coal and hemetite soon after piercing the light aquifer. Farms complete. Collecting coal and hemetite. Trade airlock dug. There are almost always undead and flying undead about. River crossed but not dug on other side.
As soon as fall started undead arrived to attack us. Reached the caverns only 4 levels below the main level. Up/down stair seems perfectly aligned to go through the middle of a rock column in the caverns. One of the undead got in, not sure how. Followed by another which came down the main stair. Maybe the climbed the wall? Killed the carpenter, who resurrected. This is bad.
Got the horses off the surface. Oh shit. The river froze. We don't have the wall finished. Bezuk, Bistkash's Fist Corpse a horrible experiment got in before the gate was shut. Killed it put its resurrected and its parts are too. As he dwarves passed out from exhaustion from killing it the first time sleep it roams the halls killing us all. Soon are own dead join them. its over. With the dead animals there are a dozen undead in the fort. No hope of reclaiming the fort.

Bad part is the river below the waterfall didn't freeze.