Confusechanneled "Shadmalcatten"

Group:The Perplexing Merchant "Sherikasmel"
Symbol: The Diamond Cloister an image of 7 diamonds and a kea.
Parent Civ: The Boot of Tours
Region: The Constructive Desert

Moved to the next tile over from Lancetones. Iron, Flux Coal. Mostly desert but a heavy forest in the south almost entirely flat. Calm but Tower and goblins. Switching to the other civilization.


Year 1982
Not as flat as we were led to belive. There is a slight rise to the south but thats good it means we will be one more level deep at the start. There is a small cove in the rock with water, will defend it all and dig into the side of the hill then down. There is an aquifer. Didnt think there was suppsoed to be one. Found coal in the aquifer layer. Moving back up a layer to get an intial starting dig and everything inside. the will chase it and seal it.

Year 1983
Three layers of conglomerte aquifer, and a ganite one? Didnt think that was possible. 2 layers of granite aquifer. Finally hit a layer of slate and grazie partially free, going down 1 more. Dug back up into the granite aquifer to setup farms. There is still water coming down the stairs, all the walls a sealed.
Already made the decison to abandon the site. Something is very strange with the aquifers. Sealing them doesnt seem to stop the flow and its helly hit or miss where it is anyway. Keep finding it in granite. Resorted to dhhack tile type commands. Removed aquifer from a large area around the farms, its stil getting deeper.

Retiring the fort and restartig the game seems to have fixed the issue. No it didnt stop. Abandoning the fort.