Omon Acath "The Realms of Prophecy" Omon Acath "The Realms of Prophecy" Omon Acath "The Realms of Prophecy"
Generated a small world with nearly 1977 years of history trying to get a lot of towers. There are 104 at generation. World is domined by humans and goblins in almost equal numbers but there are 2 strong dwarven civilizations. Saves are very slow.


  • Ronstizral Vaultedsilver. Abandoned early do due deaths.
  • Mountainwandered. A single undead crossed a frozen river and lead to the demise of the fort.
  • Shovedquakes. Dwarves not working
  • Lancetones. Too many friendly undead. Confusing on who to attack.
  • Confusechanneled Abandoned due to aquifer isuses.
  • Oilcarnages. overrun by one void axedwarf.
  • Healerboulders.