Vabokas "Orbcave"

Group: The Searing Mechanism
Parent Civ: The Crwded Avalance
Region: The Swamp of Verse

Searched for a 3x3 with coal, flux, iron and a partial aquifer. Found a spot w al three plus gold, silver and copper. 3 biomes, only one with an aquifer. Untamed anf Joyous wilds. The Swamp of Verse. Choosing the Crwded avalance, we are at war with humans, elves and goblins.


Year 1058

Only been here for a day or so. Found rock 5 levels down. Started digging an inital room. We struck coal in the first room. Found gold two levels down.
2 levels of bedrooms, plantworks, drinkworks, kitchens, herdworks, deathworks, stoneworks, crystalworks all dug and partial functional. Found the caverns while digging a well. Aquifer is jsut to the east and above the main fort.

Year 1059

Rebuilt the citidel in stone. Well is working. FB Vemini Weri Enira a quadraped of steam in the caverns. Shouldnt be any way in. It was killed by a gaint cave toad.
Started smelting hemetite. Digging a maot with overhangs. Dug a central spiral to below the first cavern layer.
Compelted the 3 stroy citidel, dry moat and rebuilt all the outer walls in granite. Started making iron weapons.
Almost have a full set of iron arms. Added new bedrooms levels. Added a temple. mining out hemetite and coal from main levles and smoothing. Migrants brought us a breeding pair of reindeer.

Year 1060

Added a tavern. Lots of smoothig. Added a crossbowman squad.
Searching for more hemetite and gold. Another FB. Sanene Osiuthimi. A feathered rhino beetle. killed by a troll.
Caravan was scared off by boars. Found more gold.
Found more hemtite. We need flux. Started making gypsum plaster for trade. Started making instruments.

Year 1061

A weremonitor has come. A dog stops it outside the gate. Three dwarves might be infected. Building an isolation chamber. A FB Erong Megobnunar. A great alligator with external limbs in the caverns but we are isoalted. Found the secoond caverns. Only one dwarf was infected. He transformd in the locked hospital.
Since we cant get the injured weredwarf out of the hospital we are going to let loose a cave crocodile in there. That didn't work. Croc wouldnt attack the wounded dwarf, and it killed the croc. Walled him in in the lower levels.
After working for years the well decided to overflow allover the main flor. Stopped it when it got to 5 deep. Fianlly killed the weremonitor by dropping the cavern floor from beneath him. Building a real execution chamber to drop a bunch of levels onto spikes
Execution chamber done just as spring arrives.

Year 1062

Tested with puppy. Failed. Puppy did not die. Added drowning to the chamber.
Reached the 3rd caverns. Still no flux. Made a massive plant gatehring effort. We aren't producing many bones, or leather.
The well flooded again. Emergecny dumped in into the caverns. The FB from 1061 is still down there. Both miners were swept in the cavens and lost. And another one Ungu a towering blob of salt shows up. The first FB breaths fire. thats bad. Lost about 10 dwarves it managed to get into he main hal befpre we stopped it.
Still cleaning the caverns up from the FB expereince. A giant Sas Norlenge arrives on the surface. We kill it inside the tavern. Still recreating the well. Doing it right with safty valves.

Year 1063

The well is back in opereration. Watched it self shut off. It now also has a large drain so we can empty it into the caverns. Reorganized the graves, made them more orderly. Falling behind on butchering. Adding another butchery. A goblin Snodub Osnunosnol Smoxspuulono has come. He was friendly. Had to send the boy sout to kill the giant dingo however.
FB Utes Ugsnormunstu Azstrong Rusmo. A giant of olivine. Sent the Ultimate Axes to raid a nearby tower.
Our raiders returned. The brought back a number of books and and an artifact. We are made a barony. The reason noone has been working the kitchens in a long time is that we walled them off.

We found flux finally! FB Netha Garethome Melicona, a 3 eyed lyrebird. kitchens are working again. A cyclops on the surface. We drive it fro mthe walls with crossbowmen. Then after it fights and alligator and is wounded we hut it down and kill it in the forest.
FB Elcur Luslemshoveth a towring one eyed serpent has come in the caverns. Nobles quarters exccpet the tomb are done. Dyeing cloth.

Year 1064

added a milstone and windmill. Send a raid on a nearby Goblin fort.
Well the goblins didn't like our raid. The have come to lay seige. While te seige goes on a FB Angwa Slepongabe Nomarquula a towering one eyed mantis has come.Gobleins fled. Improving our defenses, inner fortifications. Access to tower from the inside only. rerouting some inernal passages.
Expanding theexecution chamber to drain the last water. We have 4 goblin prisoners we need to get rid of. Sent two squads to pillage the goblins. We have been raised to a County. Our attacking force returned. They brought back a number of books. Started replacing iron arms with steel. Built a tower on the cliffs over looking the gate.
The goblins are back. They seem determined. There are over a hundred of them with trolls and beak dogs. No there is more like 200 of them. 26 of them are trolls and about the same nuber dogs. The first wave tops the walls and kills all the archers but we close the gate and reclaim them. We spend a long time cleaning up from the first wave. Trolls take up residence in the sand pit and tavern so we have to put new marksmen on the walls to drive them off. Larger force is some distance away. The trolls are nice enough to line up at the tavern door so we can shoot them one by one. Another FB Wothna Esagalaceci Camaba Theva a one-eyed bison in the canverns. I think the last one is still down there. few days later FB Vimara a great scaly darkling beelte is down there too.

Year 1065

Goblins are still here. Every so often we open the gate and let some in. We opened the gate a seocnd time and the goblins came into he courtyard, but then left and lifted the seige. We sallied forth and killed at least a dozen trolls who were in the tavern. We are left with 19 caged enemy. We are also down to 33 dwarves from over 70. We have over 40 poults confined in a small space they are causing the FPS to dop to single digits.
The goblins are back. We draw about 15 inside slaughter them and the rest leave. Spent all summer in recovery mode.
FB Ovus Zagstok Sined a beakless waxwing has come in the caverns. Still two other FB down there.

Year 1066

Goblins are back. We ahvent killed the last batch. We slaughted over fifty at the entrance, but are down to 8 dwarves. i2 are in the hopsital, 2 won't work. We attracted no migrants.
We lost another dwarf. Not sure why. We got 9 migrants.
Still not done cleaing from the last attavk. FB Baktur Caccastmaga Atac Ulash a huge hairy pterosaur in cavernms. further imporving entrance defenses. Adding drowing chmaber and large alligators.

Year 1067

25 migrants. More than doubling the current pop (20). FB Efi a great eyeless lizard. Started pittig the last of the goblins. No gobin invasion this season.
Well overflowed again. 9 more migrants. Started melting the goblin copper items.
The goblins are back. They are driven off. We need to redesinga ccess to he outer walls and citidel. We lost and entire swad of crossbowmen becaue its too easy for the goblins to get on the walls. FB Leto Cishduslud Abe an ash humanoid has come
9 new migrants. most the alligators whet untrained and had to be killed.

Year 1068

9 more migrants. Reassigned performers to temples and taverns.
FB Stagshil a featherd tick has come. There are three FBs down there. Start builing a magma works.
Traded a crap load of goblin stuff off. Magma forges are still in progress. Found lye being stored in both fat and tallow stores in barrels so no soap was being made.
Opening th caverns to kill the FBs. Wothana got past the dwarves in the magma works somehow. Of course its the firebreathing FB. The FB made it to the mail levels. The last 5 dwarves are abandoning the fort, over 50 have been killed.
Page by Shawn Moore
Last modified: 11/21/2019 05:27:10.