
The herdworks is often crammed in near the Deathworks and the Mealworks. It should have a 5x5 pig pasture with a farmers workshop (can be the shared with the Deathworks) and 2x3 bucket storage inside. A Poults pasture with nestboxes that leads to the Deathworks. And an egg pasture whose door leads to the Mealworks.

Nearby should be empty cage and full cage storage. The full cage storage can double as a pit with a bridge in the room below for smashing. This should be near the Deathworks in case caged animals are butchered.

Expansion may involve a shearable animal pasture, however this is often on the upper levels where there is soil.

Skills Required
Custom Profession: Life Guild Herders.

  • Animal Handling
  • Milking
  • Shearing
  • Cheese Making
  • Spinning

    Don't keep the two pack animals, butcher them. They can survive a season underground with no food before butchering.

    Turn on and setup Autobutcher in dfhack.
    autobutcher target 10 10 5 2 BIRD_TURKEY
    autobutcher target 2 1 3 1 CAT
    autobutcher target 10 3 10 2 DOG
    autobutcher target 10 10 5 1 PIG
    autobutcher target 4 4 4 1 LLAMA
    autobutcher target 10 10 5 1 SHEEP
    Select pastures and add animals:
    zone set
    zone assign all own race BIRD_TURKEY minage 0 maxage 1
    zona assign all own race BIRD_TURKEY minage 2
    Move to the pig zone
    zone set zone assign all own race PIG

    Milking Pigs
    Put a farm workshop in the pig pasture so the farmer doesn't lead the pig out of the pasture and back for milking. Put a bucket store next to it as milking requires a bucket. Put pasture over the workshop and stockpile as well as the empty space. Can milk only once every 17 days. Set job to check monthly. Set cheese job after milk job if there is a minimum of 5 animals, tie the cheese job to the milk job.

    Bird Leather and Egg Production
    Keep 2 different pastures of birds with nestboxes (nestboxes must be in top left!). For the larger one forbid the door to raise poults for slaughter so dwarves wont collect the eggs. Eggs take 3 months to hatch. Keep the other one unlocked for food eggs. Put 1 male and at least 1 female in each. When poults hatch and they need to be butchered use dfhack nestbox enable to forbid the eggs briefly. Remove the poults and butcher before turning off and locking the door. Turn on autonestbox, nest boxes must start in top left.

    Wool Production
    Look for breeding pairs of llamas, alpacas, sheep as pets and in caravans. Create a larger outdoor (and once the caverns are open indoor) pasture for them. Place a farmers workshop inside to facilitate shearing and milking. Shear once a month and tie sapinning =job to shearing.

    Pasture size (Include grazer space in civilian alert burrows or they won't eat)
    llama needs 4x4 ea
    alpaca needs 4x2 ea
    sheep/goat needs 3x2 ea

    Animal Choices
    	Turkeys: Meat, Leather, Eggs
    	Blue Peafowl: Less meat and eggs that turkey but only take 1 year to mature.
    	Sheep, Llamas, Alpacas: Meat, Milk, Wool
    	Pigs: Meat, milk. Pigs can survive underground
    	Goats: Milk, minor meat
    For Clothing
    	Sheep, llamas, alpacas provide milk and wool.
    	Capture cave spiders w animal trap at kennel and set up isolated (cat proof) silk web farm
    Farm workshop near wool producers: shear animal, milk, spin. 
    	wool stockpile -> farm workshop
    	milk -> kitchen stockpiles
    	thread -> clothing industry
    cavy are only good for pets rabbits are only good as pets Claimed cavy and rabbits don't need pasture space.