
Skill Required

Custom Profession: Clothier (CR)

Pigtail thread from Plantworks
Dye from Plantworks
Wool thread from Herdworks
Leather from Deathworks
Silk webs collected by Loom
Bins from Woodworks

Clothing of all types
Leather armor

Job Setup
Undyed thread and undyed cloth stockpiles -> dye workshop -> Dyed stockpiles -> loom -> dyed cloth stockpiles -> Clothier's shop -> Clothing Pick one of each type to make and don't bother with the others covering the same area.

  • Upper body: shirt, vest, dress, robe*, cloak to coat
  • Lower body: trousers*, skirts
  • Footwear: shoes*, socks

    Create 3 orders if there are less than 3 produce 2 of that type.

    Produce bags.
    Gloves and caps are not required but nice of you have the cloth.

    Autoloom dyed thread

    Link high quality dyed plant cloth to a workshop producing robes and dresses.

    Silk/wool is less valuable than plant cloth which is less valuable than Giant cave spider silk
    Silk and wool is to be kept in fortress plant/silk is sold off.

    Hair thread
    Hair thread from the butchery is not able to be woven into cloth. Forbid from clothing stockpiles. It can be used in a hospital or for bookbinding.

    Web Collection
    Web collection dig out a little room near a large mossy cavern area, build a weaver's shop, and paint the burrow over the cavern area and over the workshop, then set the burrow to workshop restricted, and change that workshop's profile to only allow web collection labor and to only allow weaving skill less than about rank 10. Dwarfs are not added to the burrow, the burrow just restricts the places they collect webs.