
For truly evil areas mine below the wagon, drop it into the ground them roof it over.


Put barracks above ground to reduce cave adaptation. Create a safe space burrow. Do not forget to expand it later.
Create a new alert called Emergency. Make the burrow active when that alert is active.
Create job for stand or rack. Do not use one for marksdwarves.
Issue station order near armory when alert starts.


Squad training

Assign squad to Active on Alerts page under Active/training. Set up a barracks. Set "T"


Set "Q" turn squad to active on "s" menu


Happens outside scheduled orders.


To make archers train as archers:
	Delete archer uniform
	Create one with Crossbow (not ranged weapon), shield specify color brown and make leather oes, leather: armor, head, leg, hand, footwear.
	switch to exact matches  (text shows)
	assign uniform to entire squad (m -> e-> U -> 
	do not have separate training and combat ammo
	eliminate hunter ammo if they don't exist
	set training schedule to minimum of 1 not higher. 
	Do not assign marksdwarfs normal barracks. They will train as hammerdwarves not archers
	Define each archery target as a room, overlap is ok
	Check shooting direction

	Max range is 15 tiles. Make sure towers closer than that.


Bone armor is not listed under materials. Specify color white and set to exact match.

Leather shield: specify color brown on normal shields

Dwarves can wear multiple layers

  • Brestplate, 3x mail, 6x cloaks
  • Greaves/Leggings, 2x trousars
  • Helm, 6x hood
  • Mittens, Gauntlets
  • High boots, Socks
    	Weapon traps. Hammer jam least. Spears most. Crossbows require ammo and must be reloaded. 
    	More traps less weapons in traps.
    	Replace side wall of main entrance with bridge to crush enemies 
    		support w pressure plate next to it.
    		On top of support floor.
    		When support collapses "cave-in" notification and crush enemy
    For walls dig a dry moat. Pave bottom. Build wall then overhang another level above that over the moat. Carve fortifications on 2nd level. Roof over fortifications.