Taronmomuz "Yellcrypt"

Group: The Bridge of Clenching
Parent Civ: The Mirrors of Mastery
Region:The Tactical Sea/The Spry Island

Founded in 250 on the shores of a remote southern island at the mouth of a stream. A very undwarf place to be. Inland is the Even Hill, a temperate shrubland, and the Forest of Lenses but both with an aquifer. There are no neighbors. Reports claim soil, shallow metals, deep metals and flux. Its a 2x2 embark.

This game was started several years ago and not played since. No idea what happened before. Fort goes down at least 20 levels to the bottom of the first caverns. There are casserite mines, gold mines, and tetrahedrite mines along the way. 48 dwarves. The military is well trained but needs work on its armor. We have three captured troglodyes and a grey languer woman. Breeding horses.

The fort entrance is a convoluted mess going down several levels then up with side passages to other parts of the fort, multiple gates with unlabeled levers scattered about, no idea which one works with which gate. We have no seeds for underground plants, but extensive unused farms. The surface is crowded and filled with useless items like lots of wood and stone. Inadequate bedrooms, Multiple metal ore and fuel stockpiles.

Year 253
Started reworking the fort to make it more efficient. Added stairs, made quantum stockpiles for the large area stockpiles. Moved some workshops around into the now unused space. 22 migrants arrived. Had no seeds because no one was milling plants. Milled some and got plump helmet spawn. Removed a lot of unused farms.

Consolidation goes well. Drink is running low. Rebuilding the outer wall in stone and adding a tower near the gate.

Dug out 69 bedrooms, but haven't furnished them yet. That is enough for the whole population. Immediately after 11 more migrants arrive. Purposefully flooded some of the fort to increase safe pasture space underground since there isn't enough on the surface. Caravan and more migrants. Caravan wagons can't get to the depot, not clear why. Passage stops on the surface where there seems to be enough room. Building a new Depot, widening the entrance.

About have the bed rooms are finished and inhabited. Tower is done working on walls. Ordered the marks dwarves to defend the tower as part of their regular schedule. Started steel production and encrusting furniture.

A swarm of grey languer men came across the river bridge. One of he thralls kills almost all of them himself while a fisherman heroicly blocked us from opening back up the gate to give him assistance. Opened a library after some books were placed in the trade goods pile. We also have two taverns, not sure where.

Found the Grasping Tummies, its inside the entrance in that mess of convolution. That would explain why there was a single table and chain in that spot. Still can't the Lean Chocolate, using the bottom floor of the tower.

Set up a dozen bee hives. Rebuilt the main gate so it had moat underneath. We have soap.

Year 254
Replacing the convoluted ramps with a quad up/down stair is almost done. Stair is dug to all important levels just need to build some connecting halls and close the old entrance. Move the small grazers (cavy & rabbits) inside. put up two windmills to power the millstones, only to discover there is no wind, despite being on the sea. First waterwell also doesn't provide power.

Migrants. 8 of them. Trying a waterwheel in a different spot on the river. Figured out the problem with the depot, boulders in the way

Walls entirely stone except 1 block. Somehow 2 troglodytes got into the residences. Caverns were closed off long ago. While looking for trogs found a 24x10 stock pile of metallic ore. Also found a second graveyard, natural cavern style but smoothed. Moved the non-horse grazers underground. A single migrant arrived. Created two more squads.

Running out of flux and coal. Caravan arrived, with wagons this time. The want to make us a barony. There have been 4 births in the last few months. 5, 6, 7

FoodGuild Thidasrovod was made a baron. Another baby. Somebody broke into the aquifer, most the clothworks is flooded due to a bottleneck in the drain. There is lots of room below for the water but its backing up.

Flooding continues. Thankful its mostly going down the stairs towards the caverns. Bottlenecks however had caused the clothing level to flood out. Walling it off goes slow as the dwarves suspend the job continuously.

We finally walled off the breach. Miners have been doing work down below to drain the usable levels into the mines. Eventually we we drain them into the caverns. We flooded 24 previously dry levels with 7 water. Most of those were just a single stair. It does include the large metal ore storage however.

They keep pumping out babies.

Year 255
The previous crisis was caused by overzealous miners mining into the coal veins that surround the upper levels, and happen to coincide with an aquifer.

Relocated the clothworks much higher up in the fort. Dumped a lot of the water into the caverns via pretty double sided waterfall none saw.

Urist has a plan to use screw pumps to create flowing water for the waterwheel. Mines are still draining. We opened a totally safe coal mine right on the shore. Digging out an area for a water reactor near the cavys. Waterwheels started the pump when we filled the pit, pump circulates the water, perpetual motion!

Somehow our baron was promoted to a duke.

A werellama has come. It gets in the gate just as it closes but is destroyed by the military. No quarantines.

Draining the moat to reclaim some bodies in it. Will also mine a little coal and magnetite from the walls while its dry.

The moat is dry. Adding bronze furniture to the dukes rooms (he likes bronze).

Dug out all the valuable resources from the moat and rebuilt the walls

The Duke has been found dead. He is in a bedroom, not his but where he should be safe. Accidently removed a moat floodgate. No injuries or floods but we cant drain the moat anymore Started building temples.

Temples to all gods and one generic temple done. Each with a differnet metal statue and chest of appropriate. Well dug down one of the old stair shafts to the caverns is operational.

Saw the merchants arrive. They say they are leaving, but cant trade and haven't been able to.

We have reached semi-moltenrock. 113 levels down. Only found one cavern on the way. Moved up a few levels and found the magma sea which is good because we are out of coal. We also found adamantine. A new works was started above the magma and strand extraction has started.

Year 257
Magma smelters and 2 forges up and working. Building security coming up from the forges as we plan to harvest all the adamantine too hot.

While digging a mine cart route from the magmaworks found more caverns that we missed. Fought off several troglodytes as we walled that section off. Found the remains of the entire merchant caravan on a single square. Maybe something killed them on the way in last time? Problems with Great Horned Owl men frighting people on the surface.

Captured and started training a cave crocodile. Owl men left. Keep running out of pots and clothing a severe issue. Sarted a museum

Clothing is an issue because new stuff is being tossed directly into the dump. Stopped that, mostly clothed now. Expanded cavern operations to collect cloth and plants. Reorganized military to guard caverns and magmaworks as well as surface.

Yesr 258
Built 4 jail cells, not that we need them but it got more coal out of the walls. Clothing is still being designated to dump.

New clothing still marked for dumping. Removed the dump.

Building a golden hall for dining, the other is a little small. All gold tables, chairs, statues, and chest.
Ran out of gold for the dining hall. Found more gold. Game crash. Ran for a little while longer and it crashed again. Retiring.

Page by Shawn Moore
Last modified: 11/29/2019 06:49:18.