Breach the Wall Breach the Wall Breach the Wall
Breach the Wall


On a 2' x 4' board designate one long edge the wall. There should be enough blocks, foam, or duplo blocks to build at least a 2" high wall across along that edge. Players should take turns placing blocks along the edge to form a wall. There is no limit on the height, no does the wall have to be continuous, the only rule on placement is that all blocks must be along the designated edge. The object is to build a ruined wall.

Once the wall is complete the players should take turns placing outdoor terrain on the rest of the play area. It is suggested that some of this terrain be designated as rough or impassable.

Special Rules

If a warrior attempts to cross a section of wall higher than 1" the model must stop movment at the foot of the wall, and on the next turn make the appropriate climb roll to cross it. Warriors do not have to make rolls to climb down the other side.

Any model which crosses the wall or stops movement on top of the wall is Out of Action, but does not count against the warband for route tests and does not roll on the serious injury table after the game.


Each player should roll a D6, the play with the highest roll sets up first anywhere within 6" of the edge oppisite the wall and above the center line of the board. The second player sets up the same way but below the center line.

Starting the Game

The player who sets up first starts first.

Ending the Game

The game ends when one band eithers routes or is completly OOA either through combat or crossing the wall. The winner is the band that did not route. If neither band routes and one band has all of its members OOA the winner is the band with the highest percentage of models that crossed the wall.

+1 Survives. If a hero or henchman groups survies the battle, they gain +1 experience.
+1 Winning Leader. The leader of the winning warband gains +1 experience.
+1 Per enemy out of action. Any Hero earn +1 experience for each enemy he puts out of action.
+1 Crossing the wall. Each Hero who crosses the wall and goes OOA earns 1 experience.

Campaign Rules
Page by Shawn Moore
Last modified: 11/10/2015 04:08:00.