Ninkhu bint Rithukha the Flower Merchant
Uhshuth ibn Bighdu the Navigator
Mishamu bint Aganl the Peddler
Imazb ibn Gikme the Cobbler
Etogk ibn Ewarj the Astrologer
Reguf ibn Hishisho the Woodcutter
Thumoz ibn Dumow the Collier
Ikwifd ibn Ikwelh the Barmaid
Thoshgho bint Mewze the Beach Comber
Efkib ibn Thalwi the Boatman
Ohgum ibn Kwimuwi the Luthier
Difik ibn Hiboki the Cheeseman
Arizf ibn Fagte the Slaver
Khikwsa bint Mifibe the Porter
Dubkwe bint Ankaf the Surgeon
Fokhba bint Akhukww the Fueller
Difkwo bint Ghijujo the Butcher
Zuben ibn Homkhi the Abbot
Zetjo bint Tikhok the Carpenter
Thijebe bint Mefmu the Blacksmith
Gihefe bint Khokwkwe the Locksmith
Aranw ibn Ukwzoj the Peat Cutter
Luhki bint Akuthm the Locksmith
Ghoghkwu bint Gethikh the Pastry Maker
Lujgo bint Rikbi the Mummer
Ohutr ibn Gokri the Candlemaker
Riwas ibn Leghki the Slaver
Hitbo bint Orushkw the Pitch maker
Ikhlekh ibn Ahakth the Luthier
Yijekhu bint Bodus the Stonecarver
Zathza bint Ehnegh the Cheeseman
Thasmu bint Ugukhth the Navigator
Ashugs ibn Kwimisho the Shipwright
Gharso bint Ujumj the Porter
Kwugub ibn Amwej the Smith
Nelaz ibn Odotj the Boatwright
Odkon ibn Bithalo the Soap Maker
Deksu bint Thikwji the Wheelwright
Shitaghi bint Lirni the Moneylender
Nefew ibn Thesagh the Baker
Hirje bint Thurshu the Sail Maker
Ewezkw ibn Ukwuzgh the Ferrier
Hajri bint Shijiho the Cheeseman
Itorkw ibn Uhkwur the Pitch maker
Zimita bint Mafikh the Pitch maker
Ekakws ibn Kwuteb the Crier
Ikkwik ibn Hatfi the Oysterer
Okwwas ibn Kubuth the Soap Maker
Imkwog ibn Thashuk the Alewife
Shidekho bint Uhdit the Luthier