The history of the Empire is a monotonous story of the intriques of priests, eunuchs and women, of poisonings, of conspiracies, of uniform ingratitude, of perpetual fratricide. -W.E.H. Lecky's History of European Morals
I have the rest anyone want to be a eunuch?
Recent Amber Games | | [02-Nov-2018]
Massive updates in the last year to the DragonCon Amber game I play in Children of the Blood. All the info is in the wiki which I now host.
Starting a 4 session amber game in a few weeks. 9 Disney Princesses in Amber. Ok so it looks like it will only be 5 but I made 9 pregen characters. Currently everything is locked off so the players can't go read it. I will open it later, its under the Fables Wiki |
Fixed more pages | | [18-Jul-2018]
Fixed more Amber pages. The broken ones will never end. |
Pages fixed | | [07-Mar-2012]
Fixed some of the amber pages. They needed updating to the security measures in the newer php versions so the would display data. Created a new Fate of Amber section. I may be hosting some of the maps for the project to convert Amber to the Fate system here. |
Amber Opened | | [18-Feb-2008]
I have opened up all the Amber pages for the HCK campaign so anyone can read them. Though it appears they are editable changes will not actually take place. |
ADRG: Heroes | | [02-Nov-2007]
I am actively working on a new diceless game. Based on the concepts from Whitewolfs Scion: Heroes where you play the child of an ancient god in the modern world. I dont really want to run Whitewolfs d10 system so Im thinking about a heavily modified Amber Diceless system right now. Whitewolfs backstory also needs a lot of work. Everything I am working on is now here. Dont think this is coming soon. I anticipate a year or so before I can run it.
I am rereading my classic mythology, Greek, and Norse with a smattering of other things, as well as my Joseph Campbell. So far Im through The Volsung Saga, Occidental Mythology, Hero of a Thousand Faces, and mostly done with Primative Mythology and Oriental Mythology. From this I have decided that the scope will be more limited than the stock Scion game. We will focus only on Western Civ pantheons: old Earth mother goddess, Indo-European (but not India Indian) mostly Greek and Norse, and Semetic Pantheons. Egyptian myth will be a sideline, not a central part. Any reference to Aztec, Japanese, or Voodoo
will be NPC related. I simply do not have the background to read all those and maintain the quality and quantity of knowledge I need to run game with players in those pantheons.
Amber Done | | [27-Jan-2007]
The Amber game that I started almost 3 years ago (3/18/04) is done. The players finally all left Amber so Random could complete his ritual to become the real king of Amber. The universe changes so its a good stopping point. Im going to do some cleanup on the pages, and hopefully open the logs up. Ill let everyone know when that happens. |
Moving Forward | | [03-Jul-2006]
We decided this week that soon (ok so maybe 6 months at the speed we play), we are going to do a semi reboot. The history will stay the same. The current living characters will become NPCs, of the same status as the current elders. The players will have a new auction and make new characters as a younger set of characters. We are going to try and bring in more players at the same time.
There will also be some rule changes. Im going to start a new section, listed as a new campaign; HCK: After the Moonriders. Ill put the rule changes there as I work on them. |
No more Thursday | | [11-Nov-2005]
We cancled another Thursday game since Ron was the only one coming. So there won't be anymore Thursdays. Only Sat starting Nov. 19th. |
Maps | | [19-Oct-2005]
Added maps of Comoni and Everil, a political map of Amber (see Geography). Got the noble list of Eastern Sea, Comoni, Everil, and Arden done (see titles -> Counties). |
Conjuring Circles | | [03-Aug-2005]
Permenant Conjuring Circles can now be bought as items. See the items pages. |
Cable and Gravel | | [03-Aug-2005]
Last Friday the county came and cleaned out the ditch that I called them about. They didnt do that part in front of my house hoever which was the part that needed done. And they didnt do it Monday. Tuesday they did. And promptly decided to cut the cable line and remove 15 feet of it destroying my servers internet access.
Comcast, for my convience according to their voice message, only takes calls between 8 and 5. So I had to wait till this morning to call them. Went home for the gravel deliver and they still had done nothing. So the web site was down for over 24 hours and there was nothing I could do about it but wait.
Between then and when I came home after work, they managed to string a cable across the driveway in a haphazard manner. At least it works. I'll give them a few days before I call and ask when they are going to bury it, or at least run it somewhere other than the driveway.
Got 20 ft of the ditch filled in before dark. Moving gravel is a lot easier than digging and moving wet clay.
Oh and Leslie, I still have not talked to Riley. You were supposed to tell him to call me. |
Amber game starts again | | [18-May-2005]
I am ready to start running Amber again. |
New Stuff | | [26-Jan-2005]
I have added a section on Titles of Royalty, Nobles and Knights. This supercedes the old Nobility and Ranks, which was never finished anyway. Now I need the reverse for Rebma (no communism , everyone is not equal).
A new map of the Entire Kingdom of Amber not just those parts near the city of Amber.
Those with trump decks will notice a new system for them on their character sheets with each card in the decks reverse and description. |
Trumps | | [08-Jan-2005]
Created a couple of trumps.
| |
Jones Falls | The Unfinished Stair |
I get contrib points. |
Maps | | [02-Jan-2005]
Upadted maps of Amber, Rebma, Arden and Tir. |
Changes | | [22-Dec-2004]
Conjuration has been expanded to cover the things the elders have done.
Mirror Wrighting no longer requires Create Tump Artifact. |
Badges and Trumps | | [15-Oct-2004]
Moved the badges page to the campaign specific page.
Created a trumps page.
Made the Adv Pattern page for HCK more accessible, in line with the other powers.
Added several badges and trump by Melissa
Working on a new navy page that will replace the old one, and be campaign specific. |
Amber books online | | [23-Sep-2004]
The Amber roleplaying books are now for sale as PDFs. They require DRM with Adobe 6.0 which sucks but at least you can print them. You can't use them in Linux which sucks too. |
Massive Reorganization | | [12-Aug-2004]
In preperation for the 3 Amber games I'm running (don't worry about it, it might confuse you, and I'm confused enough) I've done a massive reorg of the site. The current game is You Let the Horse Choose the King?. Hopefully all the links will work correctly soon. Let me know if you find any that don't.
Oh and I know that the links in the logs often don't work too much trouble to fix them. |